Example sentences of "he have done to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Look what he has done to me . ’
2 It is no more than he has done to our people . ’
3 ‘ No , I saw the bruise when he came back to the shop on Tuesday evening and I asked him what he 'd done to himself .
4 Angy had been stabbed in the throat and that 's exactly what he 'd done to her portrait … he was afraid that would all come out and everyone would think he 'd done it . ’
5 At one point Eva turned and gesticulated towards me , as if she were taking him to task for something he 'd done to me .
6 My arms ached to go round him , but I kept them rigidly at my sides for a long time , punishing him for what he 'd done to me earlier .
7 No matter what he 'd done to her , her feelings for him had n't changed .
8 I assumed at the time that he was crying for the garden and what he 'd done to it .
9 Suzannah 's mother Cassie said she wanted to shoot Downey for what he had done to her eldest daughter .
10 Not long ago , I confronted my brother with what he had done to me .
11 She felt stunned , as if what he had done to her had somehow paralysed not only her limbs but her senses too , leaving her tense .
12 In each lull between contractions memories of James tormented her , and with each new onslaught of pain she mentally tried to inflict the agony on him , cursing him for what he had done to her .
13 She had shot him for all the things he had done to her and her husband , shot him because , in the end , she still loved him , and it made his ultimate betrayal all the harder to bear .
14 Groaning , the pain in her lower body almost more than she could bear , she got to her feet , then spat blood , unable to put her hand up to her mouth to feel the damage he had done to her .
15 She mouthed him , as he had done to her before the bite of his lust .
16 Dear God , why should she still find him so disturbing after all he had done to her ?
17 Maria stood there , hating him , but not for anything he had done to her in the past .
18 She had thought , wrongly , that she could allow the love which she had begun to feel for Dr Neil to express itself , only for her deepest instincts to take over when in beginning to make love to her he had unwittingly reminded her so strongly of what … he had done to her .
19 Even now she could hardly bear to remember him , what he had done to her … his very name .
20 Halfway through the journal he had jumped to his feet — he was ready to rush out of the room , to find Havvie Blaine , to kill him for what he had done to her , and for lying about it afterwards .
21 In the spring of 1648 , when the Second Civil War broke out in accordance with this plan , many of the principal officers of the Parliamentary Army , furious at the King 's conduct in deceiving them and plunging the nation into an unnecessary war , solemnly undertook ‘ to call Charles Stuart , that man of blood , to an account for that blood he had shed , and mischief he had done to his utmost , against the Lord 's cause and people in these poor nations ’ .
22 looked what he 's done to them
23 I mean , if somebody was petrified of setting eyes on the youth again , then it would n't do them much good , for him to be sent to make good what damage he 's done to their house , or ,
24 I do n't now what he 's done to it .
25 You should see what he 's done to his hair .
26 Look what he 's done to his shoes
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