Example sentences of "he have only just [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She is a glamorous 40-year-old , he has only just left school .
2 He 'd only just retired , and they 'd built a beautiful bungalow . ’
3 ‘ Yes , I think he 'd only just realised himself .
4 Lucenzo looked up as if he 'd only just realised she 'd slipped away , and seemed taken aback when he saw her .
5 I remembered Sopworth saying how the cat had no sense of territory , how he 'd only just caught it the first time it escaped , racing north along the A2 .
6 So my father did n't know what to do , because he 'd only just started on his own , so he was tight for money as well was n't he .
7 There was a momentary hesitation before he explained that he 'd only just got to the room , he 'd felt too disturbed by the shamanistic experience to sleep and had sat in the hospitality suite reading .
8 He 'd only just got right from flu .
9 And I had Avenger estate , and I done the same with that and I got away with it for ages and I what you want a do , I know what you wan na do he erm , I mean that 's that 's really sort of pushing it over the top but he got a great big sheet of polythene , he went down to ready mix and had a load of ready mix in the back of this Avenger estate , brand new he 'd only just got it !
10 But even as he at last turned and , more like a conjurer than ever , whipped the cloth from the object on the table , which turned out to be a saucepan containing water scooped from the shattered font , the first heavy drops began to drum on the altar table ; and while the Padre was saying : " Hope Mary Ellen , I baptize thee In the name of the Father and of the Son , and of the Holy Ghost , Amen , " the Collector , forgetting that he had only just renounced an interest in the vain pomp and glory of the world , thought crossly : " That wo n't do the Louis XVI table any good at all . "
11 He had only just gone over there .
12 Involuntarily the landlord of the Feathers shivered , peering uncertainly up at this late wayfarer , whose peremptory summons on the front door had recalled him to undo the bolts he had only just shot to .
13 These days he had trouble recalling the troublesome fragments of his education he had bothered to memorize in the first place ; the names of a few acquaintances were jumbled together with old verb forms and things he thought were childhood haunts turned out to be places he had only just discovered .
14 MR MAJOR said last night that he had only just begun the tasks he had set himself .
15 He left Grace and Peggy behind with the intention of travelling for a while in Europe , but he had only just landed in South Africa when Grace realized that she was going to have another child .
16 If anything , he had only just got wound up .
17 He felt as if he had only just remembered , after a long time , why he valued her .
18 He had only just disappeared down the graveyard path and out of sight when the postman arrived at the back gate .
19 He concentrated the Sandinista troops along the Honduran frontier ; offered to end arms imports until after the election ; gave assurances of safe conduct to returning rebels ; and then said he was ready to reinstate the ceasefire he had only just abrogated .
20 He had only just recovered from another bout of serious illness and was still extremely weak .
21 He had only just arrived , had n't even booked in .
22 Did I gather he had only just arrived back ? ’
23 But he admitted : ‘ It is a crashing diappointment for Rob because he had only just come back into the side — and his return coincided with two successive clean sheets . ’
24 He 's only just gone . ’
25 Ee ee he should n't be able to buy them cos he 's only just gone down !
26 He 's only just gone on on Thursday .
27 He 's only just gone that feller .
28 He 's only just had breakfast .
29 Oh , sorry , no , you ca n't phone back , he 's only just got it and it has n't had a phone put in yet .
30 He 's only just got up !
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