Example sentences of "he be [verb] rather [conj] " in BNC.

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1 There was something funny about his tone of voice , almost as if he were asking rather than telling her .
2 ‘ What the counsellor does is to concentrate on how the client feels about the incidents or facts he is reporting rather than on the facts themselves , and then to respond to what appears to be the most significant part of each complex sequence …
3 It is not destined that Eleanor shall marry Bertie Stanhope ’ , he is teasing rather than indulging his audience .
4 Pilate standing on , you imagine knowing that he has delivered up an innocent man , knowing that he 's delivered to death someone who is not guilty of death , knowing that he is the son of God , the King of the Jews , listen to what he says and th listen to what he 's watch , he 's seeing rather and the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the praetorium and gathered the whole Roman cohort around him and they stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him , and after weaving a crown of thorns they put it on his head and reed in his right hand , and they kneeled down before him and mocked him saying , hail !
5 While his superstar peers make records with one ear cocked in anxious deference to pop currency , Prince alone behaves like an aristocrat , squandering the success he 's earned rather than consolidating the estate with cautious measures .
6 The writer of this extract may have felt that she or he was paraphrasing rather than plagiarising , and might point to the reference made in the extract to Leech and Short as evidence that she or he was not being dishonest .
7 They found him under the yew tree and after a rather stormy scene , during which Bigwig grew rough and impatient , he was bullied rather than persuaded into going down with them into the great burrow .
8 All right then — ’ he edged closer so that he was whispering rather than shouting over the juke-box ‘ — here 's the nastiest rumour I 've ever heard about Steenie — really nasty rumour .
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