Example sentences of "he do not [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 And this could never be real , this never could be happening to her , walking on the white squares behind Finn , who moved as if he did not set his feet to the ground , so gracefully , so uncannily .
2 He did not dispute her catalogue .
3 Mr Smith said in an interview on BBC television 's On the Record that he did not expect his colleagues to ‘ spend and spend again' when they took office .
4 When Val was gone , Roland realised , with a shock like a religious conversion , that he did not want their way of life to go on .
5 However , I soon realized that he did not want their friendship to grow into love .
6 SOUTH African President F W de Klerk said yesterday he did not want his children to marry blacks .
7 He did not want his parents to leave Loxford ; just him to leave .
8 At the first of these , according to Henry Sherek , he announced to the actors ( among whom were Alec Guinness and Irene Worth ) , " I will now read the play to you to show how I want my lines spoken " : as a poet , he did not want his own " voice " to be lost .
9 He did not want his own country to lose its identity in a supranational body .
10 He did not want his girlfriend to know how he had deceived her with another woman .
11 Sugar said Venables was still empowered to return as a non-executive director , but was adamant he did not want his opponent at the club .
12 Yet he did not forget his origins .
13 He did not meet her eye : this was usual .
14 He did not meet his mother from infancy until the age of twelve , when they found themselves accidentally in the same workhouse : but instead of the ‘ gush of tenderness ’ between them of which he had dreamt , ‘ her expression was so chilling that the valves of my heart closed as with a snap …
15 In this case it was fortunate he did not break his neck .
16 But still he did not break his silence .
17 Among Mr Clarke 's supporters , there was a recognition that if he did not improve his current standing then he would lose their votes in the shadow cabinet elections .
18 He did not explain his long silence and they refused to go into detail about the conversations .
19 He was gelded and given time to mature a little before being asked to race , and he did not make his debut until 23 February 1929 .
20 Anselm supported Henry , and he did not make his support conditional on Henry 's acceptance of the new papal decrees .
21 He did not make his pile opening bazaars you feel sure .
22 He did not tell his parents because he knew they would try to change his mind but he confided in a colleague at work .
23 He did not move his fingers a millimetre .
24 He did not lift his head , but she could sense the hesitation in him and knew she had been right .
25 A handsome child , Cara 's bold image , it seemed , with Odette 's timid spirit , apparently engrossed in a book or was he ? — from which he did not lift his eyes .
26 The airman just replied , at 's full of bullshit , " and he did not alter his sloppy slouch on the way either .
27 In common with most bishops in the thirteenth century , especially those with university training , he did not combine his ecclesiastical duties with a high office of state .
28 That was why , apart from a mild hope that this time his wretched daughter would get herself killed , he did not devote his considerable powers to learning more about the three travellers galloping desperately out of his realm .
29 The two other functions of a king he shirked : he did not lead his armies to war , anyway in his later years , and he did not provide an heir .
30 Because he thought that he was dealing with the National Press rather than simply a few local people whom he had been ignoring for a considerable time , the Mayor responded to direct questioning , even if he did not change his colours .
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