Example sentences of "he do [adv] know [be] " in BNC.

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1 In minutes he was dressed and looking for his signallers at the Dutch HQ , for as second in command of the Company he must warn headquarters and the platoons in their hill positions above the town , as well as contacting Sparrow Force , whom he did not know were under attack the same night .
2 What he did not know was that the Government , by the next day , would be anxious to retreat from the formula , and that the miners ' executive , having dispersed itself from London , would give them all day in which to do so .
3 What he did not know was that Chemical had run into massive internal problems .
4 These things he barely understood , and lacking anybody to talk to , it was at lunchtime sitting before an eagle whose name he did not know was Minch that he began to see his way towards them .
5 What he did n't know was that the local authorities were taking a very different line .
6 ‘ What he did n't know was there was a 13ft drop on the other side .
7 What he did n't know was that the secret military satellite launched on the Columbia space shuttle in the summer of 1989 also had the capability of following the Citation .
8 What he did n't know was that the captives had already been moved over two thousand miles to the east .
9 What he did n't know was that Myeloski wanted to share his knowledge with the Englishman .
10 To contemporary commentators like Fyvel , the only other section of the population who behaved in such a way were the homosexuals ; what he did n't know was that this pursuit of pleasure , and concentration on self , were exactly those traits that would become desirable , and eventually , socially acceptable , with the extraordinary success of Elvis Presley and the Teen age that followed .
11 Thus the only relevant facts he does not know are what period the judiciary have recommended as the tariff , and what further comments the judges have made which will affect the Secretary of State 's decision on the tariff .
12 That there is something he does not know is shown by the fact that if he were to gain his sight , he would come to know something that he previously had not known .
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