Example sentences of "he [vb past] i [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We argued about it but in the end he agreed I had to tell the Josephs .
2 I was told that I would have to take a strange aircraft that night , I learnt that my aircraft had been damaged by flak — and Italian flak to boot — and one of my lads was in hiding as he claimed I had threatened him with dire punishment if he damaged my aircraft .
3 He said he thought I had developed a very strong activity programme , and that my rapport with the guests was incredible .
4 ‘ When I told him , his reply was that he thought I had liked going there , and he burst out with , ‘ Thank goodness you told me .
5 ’ . Initially I was puzzled , until I realized he thought I had cut off my shirt sleeves , for in his force ( noted for its disciplined enforcement of a correct uniform presentation ) , all uniform shirts had long sleeves .
6 It suddenly crossed my mind that perhaps he thought I had come to see him on a professional level , that I was in need of spiritual help or whatever .
7 On 24 February 1947 , he wrote me an interim letter in which he said he thought I had tended to ‘ overwhelm the reader by a tendency to say too much at once ’ , and that the material might need some reorganization .
8 ‘ The only time I came close to lobbying was when I asked Dave Mannion , a friend for a long time , to tell me if he thought I 'd outlived my usefulness here , then I would slip quietly away .
9 He thought I 'd ridden to block him and help Cardus .
10 I was in bed for a week with concussion and the doctor said at first he thought I 'd got a broken pelvis .
11 I felt that he thought I wanted to run the last leg for the glory .
12 He 'd kill me if he knew I 'd made something like this . ’
13 But he went on to say he knew I 'd spent the night at your place .
14 All through tea I had waited for some indication on his part that he knew I had seen the girl — as he must have known , for it was obvious that the nocturnal concert had been given to announce her presence .
15 I had a circuit judge so everywhere he went I had to follow .
16 When he died I had to sell up .
17 if he did I had to write to out for him .
18 I nodded , cautious , not concerned with understanding ; because underlying everything he did I had come to detect an air of stage-management , of the planned and rehearsed .
19 Long before he appeared I had heard children saying
20 He said I 'd done something bad to deserve it , ’ said Rhoda .
21 N now you know when I went to see Dr he said I 'd got this enlarged heart ?
22 He said he said I 'd got legionnaires disease did n't he ?
23 after my second week he said I 'd got the gift of the gab or something and I always manage to wind people round my finger and always always get what I want and everything and I always took my way out of shit and I heard this from Matt , you can imagine how upset I was like on my I tell you er I heard about it on the field weekend cos I was here and Matt was here as well and , and I just thought my God I 've been friends with this bloke , we were having baths together when we were like two years old and , and I 've known him all my life and if you ca n't trust him well where does the , where , well you know , who can you trust ?
24 He said I 'd changed .
25 I said oh no , no , he said I 've to go to Brussels you know and it 'll be all about , oh I thought I was really dreading it
26 He said I 've made twenty pounds overnight so that 's , yeah they 've gone up twenty P each cos I 've got a hundred
27 once a week to me and I ring him occasionally , and er his first remark which was quite erm natural he said well you know Ernest , he said I 've heard many ministers .
28 he said ah , ooh he said yes he said I 've heard a lot about it he said , there 's a lot of unhappy people , I said bloody place
29 So I held his hand all the way and mum was there and I said you 'll be alright dad I said do n't worry about it I said er , we 'll be here when you come out , he said yeah alright , I 'm alright , so as the surgeon came out he said look Mrs he said I 've seen your daughter , yeah , I have to say this to you he said it 's a fifty , fifty percent chance that John will come back from the operation , operation OK and he said it 's a one hundred percent chance he wo n't without surgery of course he do n't know anything , got his little cap on
30 He said I 've seen them put fifty .
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