Example sentences of "he [vb past] in that [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although he succeeded in that task he was surprisingly replaced in mid-summer 1982 by Alan Mullery .
2 HE REALIZED IN THAT instant that this was the love he had been hoping for , his quest fulfilled .
3 He realized in that instant that his entire life would be changed utterly — that this was no sentimental longing , no passing fancy or phase , this was a feeling he would live by , whatever the costs .
4 I just feel he gave up when he got in that home .
5 He had been eager to start work upon the latter ever since the completion , and relative failure , of The Family Reunion — if only to correct the overt poeticizing and the unbalanced structure which he discerned in that drama .
6 He fled in that terror , ’ said Cadfael , ‘ and the next he heard was that Tutilo had found the man dead , and so reported him .
7 Just as the events themselves can be known but not the experiences which they provoked , so we can not hope to understand Eliot as he knelt in that chapel or in the presence of his God .
8 Sometimes , if they knew he behaved in that way , people would be unwilling to talk about him at all — for fear they would embarrass themselves by saying something sympathetic about a man they knew could just as easily assassinate their characters .
9 He believed in that case the main danger would come from Wollo soldiery pursuing the Shoans into the town , and passing close to the Legation .
10 He glanced in that direction and stiffened with alarm .
11 He took in that fact for the first time ; in spite of his knowing job , he had a clownish naîveté about fate and always tended to be innocent of the possibility of calamity .
12 He died in that room , you know .
13 He 'd been off drugs for six months when he died in that fire . ’
14 However his health failed him a year later and he died in that summer aged 71 .
15 He looked in that direction but the blindfold prevented him from seeing who had spoken .
16 If he appeared in that door now , probably none of the girls here would give him a second glance : it 's all long hair and round shoulders now , is n't it , like yesterday 's flowers .
17 When he slipped in that muck he could have cracked his head against the side of the lift shaft !
18 He gave in that connection some instances from The Rock , which he described not so much as a play as a revue , a word he pronounced in the French manner .
19 He had in that capacity been supplied with a copy of Scott 's report , which was regarded by the government , and particularly by the Foreign Office , as strictly confidential .
20 Exactly what powers he had in that direction was not clear , but the Board did promise that no former member of the staff of an undertaking taken over would suffer any reduction of salary or conditions of service .
21 I think he slept in that loft when he used to come here .
22 As he said in that advert , she 's pancake !
23 If he ran in that direction , would he be able to dodge ?
24 Nothing would rouse him , and he continued in that state for some days , then grew violent if touched or spoken to .
25 He continued in that post under her four successors , assisted by his second wife as a lady of the household , declaring his belief in Anne 's adultery and in 1539 threatening to disinherit his son for failing in attentions to Thomas Cromwell [ q.v . ] .
26 He sat in that chair and looked at it as he rested .
27 Yeah , and I said erm , and I said that were n't , if that was n't enough I said bearing in mind he 'd just come out of intensive care off a life support machine , I said and which I think that , that tells us that he needs a bit of extra care compared to some of them on the ward , I said I know they 're all important and I know you 're busy but I said I think you should 've had a bit of priority , he was dying , and you know he 's dying , you 'd been told , she said yes that 's right , I said but what really broke my bloody heart was from one o'clock that dinner time he sat in that chair , we left that hospital at half past eight and you assured us he 'd go to bed and when we came in the next morning at half past ten Joy he sat there exactly the bloody same , in the same filthy blanket and the same catheter on him , oh I went fucking mad and I said how dare you , I said because somebody 's told they 're dying does that mean they 've got to be forgot ?
28 He remained in that post until his death .
29 Already in 1915 Pound was making this mistake about the rivers , for in ‘ Near Perigord ’ , which he published in that year , he declares :
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