Example sentences of "he [vb past] on to the " in BNC.

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1 Etchings were sent to a printer to make some impressions and someone surreptitiously made copies which he passed on to the defendant who intended to display them in an exhibition which the public could attend on payment of an admission charge .
2 He got on to the internal phone and asked for petty cash , not specifying any amount .
3 He knew the man would be magnificent when he got on to the stage that night .
4 He moved on to the ‘ enduring significance and value of the Anglo-American relationship ’ .
5 He moved on to the dome , which you must imagine like the magic covers you have seen in your drawing-room under which dwell all sorts of brilliant little birds , as natural as life on their branches , or flights of mysterious moths and butterflies .
6 From Ireland he moved on to the Outer Hebrides , which he reached on 30 August , and then to his most northerly landfall , Foula off the Shetlands , on 3 September .
7 After taking us through his life and times , he moved on to the matter of his death which he hoped would be quick and peaceful .
8 He changed on to the Jubilee Line at Charing Cross and at Bond Street four men got in .
9 He sank on to the floor , hugging his knees .
10 Whereupon he wandered on to the stage carrying a 12-foot ladder he repeatedly threatened to climb .
11 They were the gate by which he entered on to the path which led ultimately to his acceptance as the authority on the distribution of arctic-alpine flora in Britain .
12 We did have an argument that afternoon ; he came on to the set clearly hungover — he had been drinking heavily the day before , disrupting things , disturbing the atmosphere .
13 ‘ Jack , shut up , ’ she told him good-naturedly , and waited as he dropped on to the sleeping-bag .
14 Lord Romsey , of Hampshire , found himself issued with a £40 fixed penalty and a ‘ severe ticking-off ’ after he drove on to the hard shoulder to join the M271 near Southampton .
15 Here 's a blatant lie coming up : he ollied on to the lion 's head .
16 He climbed on to the high stool , acutely conscious of the heat of the stove and the growling dogs behind him .
17 The 22-year-old man was thrown out when he climbed on to the show 's stage at a department store in Adelaide .
18 Then he climbed on to the winner 's rostrum and became the proudest man in the world as the British National Anthem echoed around the massive Montjuic Stadium .
19 At 2.10 am , he climbed on to the disc jockey 's console and tried to grab the mike , shouting wildly at the swirling crowd below him .
20 He climbed on to the counter and , reaching over the grille , grabbed the book .
21 A crowd crush at Ayresome Park on Saturday forced Middlesbrough 's match with Leeds United to be suspended for 15 minutes , and so alarmed the Leeds manager , Howard Wilkinson , that he clambered on to the perimeter fencing to appeal for calm .
22 A crowd crush at Ayresome Park on Saturday forced Middlesbrough 's match with Leeds United to be suspended for 15 minutes , and so alarmed the Leeds manager , Howard Wilkinson , that he clambered on to the perimeter fencing to appeal for calm .
23 As he walked on to the first tee he could n't get any proper words out at all , and so I was frightened to speak to him in case he thought I was teasing him .
24 He walked on to the stage and sat down at the big piano .
25 Holding his shoes , he stepped on to the stones and crossed the river carefully .
26 Deciding against , he stepped on to the platform and shut the door with care , as though prolonging the act might delay his arrival .
27 The inspiration began when he stepped on to the tee five minutes early , just taking it all in .
28 He stepped on to the busy road and dragged badly injured Scott clear of the traffic .
29 Minton 's intelligent responsiveness , to the character of people and places , was in operation the moment he stepped on to the SS Bayano of the Fyffes Line .
30 ‘ Do me a favour , ’ Iron Josh said as he stepped on to the road .
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