Example sentences of "he [vb past] she on the " in BNC.

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1 Pushing the coverlet aside , he laid her on the bed , and sat down beside her , studying her white face .
2 Then he laid her on the bed and feasted his eyes on her , slender and seductive , totally naked except for the glowing ruby that flashed fire whenever she moved her hand .
3 He pecked her on the cheek .
4 He passed her on the stairs .
5 Tugging her gently , he seated her on the low stone wall .
6 Joe had been at the pub that evening , and when he arrived home just before ten , he found her on the floor .
7 As he turned her on the dance-floor and slid his arms around her waist , a shudder of convulsive desire went through her body , and he bent his head , mouth hot against her shivering throat , to whisper thickly , ‘ I love the way you move .
8 He joined her on the cushioned seat .
9 He seemed perfectly at ease as he faced her on the garden bench , and his wide blue eyes reflected a certain acceptance .
10 ‘ Agent Somerville , ’ he boomed when he heard her on the line , ‘ get after him . ’
11 Quigley had made sure he had stopped hitting me as soon as he heard her on the stairs .
12 He slid his cheek against hers and , moving with delicious deliberate slowness , he kissed her on the lips .
13 She leant over and he kissed her on the cheek .
14 Maggie was turning away from John when , in a sudden daring movement , he kissed her on the cheek which made her start because it was so expected .
15 This time he kissed her on the lips .
16 ‘ That 's all right , ’ he said and , stepping forwards , he kissed her on the cheek .
17 He kissed her on the cheek and then , as she turned her mouth to his , on the lips .
18 He kissed her on the forehead and lips tenderly , then placed her on the floor .
19 He kissed her on the cheek and her eyes closed to feel his lips breathing so tenderly .
20 He kissed her on the mouth and she tasted herself on his lips .
21 He kissed her on the cheek , cutting short the second as he spied a new arrival .
22 He kissed her on the forehead , then climbed out of the car and walked round to the other side .
23 Miranda sat in her room feeling thoroughly miserable , and going back over and over again in her head every single significant thing that Miles had said or done since that first time he kissed her on the Promenade .
24 He kissed her on the cheek .
25 Turning , he kissed her on the forehead .
26 He kissed her on the forehead and held her hand .
27 He placed her on the bed and looked down at her .
28 When he placed her on the bed and sat beside her she was left in no doubt of his love .
29 She shook herself inwardly , said severely , Control yourself , Sally-Anne Tunstall ; remember what happened when you had such soft thoughts about a man before , and the sudden dreadful memory this evoked hit her so hard that she stopped dead in her tracks , gave a stifled wail , and went so white that Dr Neil , hearing her , and looking at her , saw that her pallor was so extreme that he thought her on the verge of fainting .
30 He slapped her on the shoulder and performed a jubilant hip wiggle before leaping ludicrously into the air with a triumphant clenched-fist salute .
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