Example sentences of "he [vb past] be given the " in BNC.

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1 He was a Lebanese Muslim and he had been given the gun by the Palestinians who were sitting on the side of the broken street , sipping their own glasses of tea .
2 Harry 's great merit was that , once he had been given the ball , he was a speedy and direct raider .
3 At this distance it is impossible to tell if Gert could have made more of his early life if he had been given the chance to make use of the ‘ creative ability ’ spotted early on by one of his helpers .
4 Was it Dominic 's fault that he had been given the job she wanted so badly ?
5 But chairman Tony Lewis denied last night he had been given the boot .
6 Through his active involvement in European institutions — serving , for example , as president of both the Assembly of the Council of Europe and the OEEC — he had been given the accolade of being ‘ Mr Europe ’ .
7 He had been given the opportunity to resign , but declined , and was then suspended , after which the matter had been reported to the Minister of Health , who subsequently consented to his dismissal .
8 The fact that he had been given the Elphberg name of Rudolf by a Royalist father was of small importance to him , nor was he at first more than casually intrigued when he woke from a strangely prophetic dream in the forest of Zenda to hear two men discussing the remarkable resemblance between him and the King .
9 A former member of his Household , reviewing the collapse of the Wales 's marriage , sincerely believes that he would have remained single if he had been given the choice .
10 Having written a fairly scathing account of this approach in draft , I sent it to John Austin Baker ( as I have also sent my account of their work to Christian feminists whom I discuss in this book for comment ) only to receive a delightful letter from him which rescinded much that he had written , explained that he had been given the title , and essentially agreed with my criticism !
11 He had been given the topic , ‘ Exploration ’ , and Keith Vaughan the theme of ‘ Discovery ’ .
12 Aubrey 's arrival had augmented the difficulty since he had been given the guest room adjoining Harry 's .
13 But as he grew older , and felt the signs of decay in his mortal body , he rejoiced to think that his inner man was being renewed every day , until he should attain that ‘ being at home with the Lord ’ to which his whole Christian life was directed and of which he had been given the Holy Spirit as a guarantee ( 2 Cor. 4 : 16f , 5:1ff , 5,8 ) .
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