Example sentences of "he [vb past] be [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The basic problem he encountered was getting across why his own complete immaterialism was not itself more overtly and explicitly sceptical than the standard view that there exist both material bodies and incorporeal minds or spirits .
2 After all , he 'd been ferreting in the records for a good while . ’
3 Quick-thinking James , 20 , switched off the gas and collected a damp cloth , while Darren used the fire-fighting techniques he 'd been learning on his weekend course in Surrey to tackle the blaze .
4 I thought that , instead of speaking from his notes that he 'd been speaking from year after year , he was reassessing what he was doing .
5 One Saturday night he 'd been drinking in front of the telly when he decided to phone Sheila 's place .
6 He 'd been funny , telling stories against himself of fiascos he had survived in the theatre , and he 'd been flattering in a subtle way .
7 Presumably he 'd been watching from somewhere .
8 It was just as well Kenneth 's phone was n't engaged because , presumably , if he 'd been chatting to John Major about the situation in the Middle East , or talking to David Mellor about fun , poor old Johan would have been chucked out of the country .
9 Now he was on his third circuit of the Bay : he 'd been ducking under bulldozers for almost an hour .
10 Suddenly the penny dropped , and Meredith knew why he 'd been prowling about the airport like an angry lion .
11 He 'd been sparing with words : it hurt to talk .
12 He 'd been fiddling with his desk , had n't he ?
13 After missing him during his stay in Geneva ( he 'd been presiding over Berlioz 's Benvenuto Cellini at the Grand Théâtre there ) , I finally succeeded in making contact with him in Rome , where he was conducting the orchestra of the Academia di Santa Cecilia in music by Schubert , Nino Rota and , not unexpectedly , Berlioz — the Symphonie fantastique .
14 And to think he 'd been agonizing about what line to take on Bartocci 's conspiracy theory !
15 He 'd been staying at a bail hostel in Gloucester whilst waiting for the case to come to court .
16 And he 'd known it , all the time he 'd been trying to bed her .
17 And he had to go and train somewhere down south , but he 's got a he , apparently he 'd been trying for a year and he 's got to Accrington .
18 Now she realised he 'd been hovering on the verges of her thoughts , just waiting for an opportunity to pounce .
19 It was in the second of the rooms behind a damp stack of spare mattresses that he found what he 'd been hoping for .
20 He 'd been hoping for windows , and a view over the bay or the town .
21 ( This was a circumstance paralleled at his own funeral , when the friends and relations of the woman he 'd been living with for part of the week since the early 1960s stole the show from us , the pathetic huddle of the family of his middle years . )
22 Maybe she 'd always had someone to look after her ; he 'd been living with darned socks and the stitch-in-time philosophy all his life , first his mother and then Margaret , who sorted her stockings out into ones she could wear to the office and ones which were only good for gardening .
23 Of course I 've sent specimens to Forensic but you can take it from me that he died of strychnine poisoning ; a fairly hefty dose but he 'd been living on borrowed time any way .
24 Joey Bonanza paid his men pretty well , but not well enough for Jack Mahoney to be able to afford the address he 'd been living at .
25 He 'd been living in a £500-a-week hotel suite in Nottingham , spending £2,000 a month on clothes .
26 What would these people think , I wondered , if they knew he 'd been living like an Apache most of his life and right up until a little while ago ?
27 She heard him release the breath he 'd been holding in a sigh .
28 His name was , but I found he 'd been lodging in a house in Road close to the railway station .
29 And if you read the scriptures , you 'll discover those where er he , you know er he was with Paul on one occasion , and er he 'd been eating with Gentiles and er then some Jews came up who believed that eating with er non-Jews even though they were followers of Jesus was wrong .
30 But after that Pete had sworn that he 'd touch nothing stronger than tapwater for the rest of the evening , and so far he 'd been sticking to it .
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