Example sentences of "he [vb past] [adv] know [Wh adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The White Rabbit had put on his spectacles , but he did not know where to start .
2 No , he did not know where Maria was .
3 No , he did not know where he was .
4 In reply to yet another question from the impromptu baby-sitter , he said that he did not know where his wife was , but he did believe that poor Maria had left him .
5 They had had medical attention since the beginning of the year and he did not know where to turn for a penny .
6 The archetype of faith is Abraham , who went out at God 's command though he did not know where he was going , and who was prepared at that command even to sacrifice his own son .
7 He did not know where , and did not particularly care , except that it meant that the Establishment was on Amber Black , and every car had to have the magic mirror wand shoved underneath the chassis .
8 For a moment he did not know where he was : the darkness lay upon him like a leaden weight , crushing him as if he were under a ton of river-water .
9 He thought the others were under the plane somewhere , but he did not know where .
10 Somehow he found himself in the street , walking , although he did not know where .
11 He did not know where they were heading , but already it was clear the destination would not be of his choosing .
12 HE DID NOT know why but , upstairs , Amelia 's house reminded him of a jungle .
13 He did not know why he suddenly felt this way ; he was not angry with himself , or with us , and he was not crying .
14 In terms of the immediate situation he did not know why , but in terms of the ultimate context of his life he knew why he trusted God who knew why .
15 He did not tell her that hers was the only female reputation he had ever given any thought to and that he did not know why he bothered .
16 He did not know why he asked the question , except as part of a ritual that reassured him Blanche had not changed .
17 He was building this house and he did not know why .
18 He did not know why and , in the absence of an obvious explanation , attributed it to his first ever professional encounter with a psychiatrist .
19 He had got the impression that for some reason this was important , but he did not know why .
20 His Spanish was almost non-existent , and he did not know how to study a foreign language , so I gave him lessons .
21 He did not know how to tell her that he was very , very sorry for being small , and for snivelling , and for ruining her life so that she could not go to America to be a film-star .
22 He did not know how he had got the door to this place to open .
23 He did not know how much had been paid but believed it was less than £50m .
24 It would be a major adjustment , and he did not know how to cope with it yet .
25 He did not know how long he lay there but was woken by the sound of turning pages .
26 He did not know how long he had been sleeping but woke up hungry and decided to sneak into the kitchens for a tin of soup .
27 Against this interpretation lies the evidence that we can and do say , when appropriate , things like ‘ Of course he consented to the operation , but that does not entitle you to perform it since he is just a child ’ ( or he did not know how dangerous it is ) .
28 When O put down the phone at the end of this first call , he did not know how to say goodbye to Boy ; he did not know what name to use .
29 Deep in his heart Wishart believed the King had been murdered but he did not know how , or why , or by whom .
30 Out on the river earlier in the battle , Commander Ryder had ordered the MGB back alongside Campbeltown ‘ and gone ashore with Leading Seaman Pike — an expert in German signals , part of the bluff — to make sure the destroyer was locked into the southern caisson , but he did not know how the battle was going ashore .
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