Example sentences of "he [vb past] [verb] my [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He carried a bottle of water from the River Mississippi with which , he said , he planned to baptise my breast as a sign of love .
2 But facing me in the nets for two winters , he got to know my bowling inside out and by the end of our stay in Cape Town he was hammering me all around the practice area .
3 But he got married my sister and lived in house down there and er that 's how I got a job there .
4 Now , I felt myself drying up , burning with a slow flame and , like a piece of paper , crumbling to dust when he sought to ignite my interest .
5 I tucked a ten-dollar bill into the pocket of his jacket , while he tried to wave my arm away , then clapped him on the shoulder .
6 He tried to steal my strip on the Island ? ’
7 And then they sent me a questionnaire saying they understood that he 'd he 'd given my address , and was he res , was he still resident ?
8 The last time I 'd made for the bog he 'd broken my back when he caught me straight between the shoulder blades with a loaf of bread .
9 On the day I moved in my Mother had warned me not to let him rule my life like he 'd ruled my Father 's , but it never occurred to me to disobey him and seemed natural to follow the ‘ week planner ’ he 'd written out and pinned to the notice-board in the kitchen : Monday — Washing Tuesday — Ironing Wednesday — Youth Club etc .
10 As soon as you deigned to tell me that the Svend you were looking for was a student , and that he 'd used my home as a hotel , I recalled that my nephew spent a night here shortly after I moved in so that he could attend a lecture at the city university , and that I 'd entrusted him with a spare key so he could come and go as he pleased . ’
11 He 'd changed my name and changed my head before he tired of me .
12 He came to return my gear .
13 And of course he came to see my father , and my father thought I was a bit young .
14 He seemed to read my mind , and said quickly , ‘ Yes , you 're right .
15 He telephoned to tell my mother , and she told me .
16 I felt very down , but once he began to need my milk it seemed worthwhile and I gradually began to produce a little more at each pumping .
17 I often wondered if he enjoyed using my toothbrush as much as I enjoyed using his .
18 He started to shake my head about .
19 And he goes , I mean he went to see my mum and dad before Christmas and they did n't recognise him !
20 ‘ Tell me , Dr Kent , I expect you know all the other doctors — the housemen , the registrars , I 'm not sure which one it was , but he went to see my mother as soon as she was admitted — ’
21 I think he went to visit my mother and got incarcerated by accident .
22 Reg gave his life and soul to this club , plus an extra 110 per cent per match , but unfortunately he chose to undermine my authority in such a way that I was forced to demand his dismissal by the board .
23 Simon was in the back on his tartan rug and he kept licking my suitcase .
24 He kept banging my leg with his little rubber hammer to test my reflexes , but there was no reaction .
25 He did like my wedding present ! ’
26 Yeah but what he did take my Walkman for though ?
27 Although I had saved his country from attack by Blefuscan warships , he preferred to remember my refusal .
28 He had moved to kiss my mouth , but I had turned my head and he had kissed my cheek .
29 On asking Louis if he had seen my letter he withdrew his pipe from his mouth , his eyes narrowed , and he replied :
30 After he had seen my father , he had dinner with my mother , then stayed to smoke his pipe .
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