Example sentences of "he [vb past] [conj] [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 I share my hon. Friend 's belief that the answer lies in the sort of suggestions that he made and which have been revealed in the report of the three wise men .
2 He disclosed that he had delivered a letter from Saddam Hussein to Rafsanjani in Tehran on Feb. 8 containing the Iraqi President 's formal reply to the latest Iranian proposals .
3 He had never questioned their presence , but now he realised that it had oppressed him .
4 He realised that it had been a while now since he had put himself on the lookout for Medjays shadowing him .
5 Then he realised that she had n't recognised the slap of the rifle .
6 He realised that he 'd opened up a can of worms .
7 Shortly before he was due to deliver that speech on Wednesday — a Burkeian lecture on economic growth and greenery — he realised that he had put some of his best lines in the draft for the Prime Minister 's speech .
8 Herr Nordern 's temper was n't improved when , having caught the S-Bahn , he realised that he had left his book of tickets in his other Jacket .
9 As he left the café he realised that he had forgotten to look at Elsie 's feet .
10 Before he expected , his feet met blocks of stone , and he realised that he had come to the edge of the great sprawling tip of the infill .
11 He realised that he had not thought of it before as detention .
12 He realised that he had been foolish to risk the search alone , but there was no turning back .
13 ‘ Mama — ’ Gratitude rushed up in him ; he realised that he had not always considered her , had taken her for granted , had consulted her in nothing ; and now she had probably saved his reason .
14 Instantly , fear welled up in him again , and he realised that he had walked into a trap .
15 It was late in the afternoon when he realised that he had eaten nothing since breakfast , and he was about to go out into the town in search of a restaurant when the telephone rang .
16 When nothing happened , and he realised that he had come to a place without facilities , he retired for another consultation .
17 His fingernails were broken and bloody from when he had thrown himself at the door and torn at it , in the moment when he realised that he had been shut into the stall , and what was going to happen next .
18 As he tried to stop the helicopter from going into a spin , it travelled further than he planned because he 'd mistaken the direction of the wind .
19 He agreed that I had gone about as far as I could go in Moose Jaw , and together we composed a night-letter telegram to Gladstone Murray in Ottawa requesting a reply to my job application .
20 In a speech made to one group he argued that they had need to ‘ give up some of [ their ] justifiable rage ’ ( Independent 1989 ) .
21 Becker 's case was notable because he was captured by the widely-circulated photographs , but he argued that he had intended only to fire a warning shot .
22 He argued that he has to persist with his Euro flops as he tries to qualify for the World Cup .
23 As his eyes fell on the crucifix he realized that he 'd always loathed it , and in a small gesture of defiance he lifted it off its hook and set it down on top of the filing cabinet .
24 It was only when it shut with a rusty creak that he realized that he had company .
25 His heart thudded and he realized that he had begun to breathe faster , with excitement .
26 It was some time before he realized that he had been fooled .
27 He realized that he had to watch every word , that he had to edit with great caution , crossing out , interpolating , amending .
28 But he had used their bathroom and was back in bed again before he realized that he had forgotten to look at his daughter .
29 Hank tossed a packet over to him , and he had lit one before he realized that he had not known that his son smoked .
30 As he waited he realized that he had not felt such keen anticipation and happiness since he had served in the front line at Magdeburg .
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