Example sentences of "he [vb past] [that] she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Then he realised that she had n't recognised the slap of the rifle .
2 He realized that she wanted to believe him .
3 To his surprise , she did not reply but looked at him so vaguely that he inferred that she had not heard him .
4 He noted that she 'd had numerous stomach pumps as a result of such accidents in the past , and someone should have cared .
5 He noticed that she looked very flushed .
6 It was then he noticed that she looked a little worried , as well as excited .
7 He was amazed at how difficult it was , but gradually it eased as she eased , and he noticed that she had wet her dress .
8 And he noticed that she had stopped scowling .
9 He noticed that she had one button of her blouse more than usual undone .
10 Although she swung round quickly , he noticed that she did not seem all that startled .
11 He added that she had not given him her London address .
12 He , the laibon , was not so sad because he believed that she had caused many upsets .
13 He believed that she pressed a clenched fist against the 2in deep knife wound during the three-mile journey in her killer 's car from the telephone to the embankment at Twyning , Gloucestershire .
14 Obviously he assumed that she had picked up some instant Romeo , and it was clear from his tone and expression that he condemned her as cheap and shallow .
15 He guessed that she had not yet taken the man his breakfast .
16 He confirmed that she had been invited for both the church service and the lunch .
17 He theorized that she went into a shop and lashed out a bob or two on something like a tin of baked beans .
18 He discovered that she had an IQ of genius level and announced that she needed firm discipline and intellectual stimulation .
19 But it was n't until Ellen came to pick him up that he discovered that she had already bought everything for a picnic lunch .
20 Ludens thought , she 's a puritan ; and he felt a sympathy with her and would have tarried , as he sensed that she wanted to talk to him .
21 Gabriel did not see Bathsheba again and two days later he heard that she had left the area , and was now in Weatherbury , a village twenty miles away .
22 Her father had turned against Bunyan , and when he heard that she had ridden behind him to a meeting , he locked her out of the house for two days .
23 George Michael was on with Jacqueline Bisset and he confessed that she had been his pin-up and he 'd loved her from afar for years .
24 She turned round to face him and he thought that she had been crying .
25 He thought that she had been exceptionally sweet to Emmie lately and he was grateful to her .
26 Sometimes he thought that she regarded his affairs with a casual , slightly amused indulgence as if , herself immune to a childish weakness , she was nevertheless indisposed to criticize it in others .
27 After the liberation he saw that she escaped her brother 's clutches and got to Rome with enough money to keep her and have the baby safely .
28 She looked back at him and smiled gently , and he saw that she had been writing in a workman-like leather-bound notebook .
29 He was about to tell her not to trouble herself , when he saw that she had turned half away from him , revealing the curve of a breast beneath her shawl .
30 Suddenly they laughed together , and he looked at her , really looked at her , for the first time , and he saw that she had a lovely set of teeth .
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