Example sentences of "he [vb past] [that] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 He realised that in his discussions with Ranulf he had not mentioned old Martha 's death .
2 The plaintiffs sought to enforce the clause but Scott J dismissed the action for he found that on its true construction the employment agreement was a contract of employment of the defendant by the two partners , that the dissolution of that partnership within the term of the employment constituted a breach of the contract of employment and brought it to an end and that accordingly the restraint of trade clause ceased thereafter to be binding upon the defendant .
3 He maintained that by its very nature , capitalism involves the exploitation and oppression of the worker .
4 ( He added that in his hospital ‘ the people who are mad are the attendants . ’ )
5 Once I asked him what he thought of the French system of criminal justice and he replied that during his career he had no time left over from practising our own system to study any other ( which I think is representative of the Bar as a whole ) .
6 In an interview in 1975 he declared that during his Persepolis party , " the whole world , from the United Nations to every capital , paid tribute to Cyrus and his kingdom …
7 He predicted that in its first year the company would have a turnover of about £140m .
8 He sensed that despite her words , his outburst had hurt her .
9 Indeed , he believed his skull to be so exceptional that he willed that after his death it be given to a doctor for examination , but nineteenth century sentiment and regulations prevented this from being carried out .
10 In 1975 Sartre conceded that the only person who had even marginally influenced him intellectually had been Nizan.33 The previous year , in a conversation with Simone de Beauvoir , he confessed that throughout his life his only true friendships had been with a number of women and with Nizan .
11 But he knew that for his expansion plans to work he needed two things : further capital investment , and a designer of genius .
12 He knew that among his people no respectable girl would expect anyone to marry her after that and that the parents would be only too glad for him to keep her .
13 Then he looked across at her and , though she was silent , still he knew that in his invocation of the ancient powers of Callanish and in his terrible promise , he had done right .
14 He remembered that at his formal entry ( matriculation ) the praelector of the college gave all the new undergraduates advice on their deportment : ‘ If a Fellow asks you to lunch , leave at 2.15 p.m. ; unless the general conversation is particularly interesting when you may leave at 2.25 p.m . ’
15 Chairman Mao insisted on re-education : ‘ He said that despite our intellectual development , we still had dirty minds which must be cleansed by contact with true working classes — lucky again , because I learned much folk music from my colleagues .
16 I daresay he said that to his disciples , only that bit was censored .
17 He said that on her birthday he asked her what she had learnt from life , and she thought for a long time , and then said : ‘ That people are morally the same , and intellectually different . ’
18 He said that during his recent visit to Moscow , President Gorbachev had given a warning that the failure of East Germany 's reform process would not only destabilise the GDR but also have ‘ serious repercussions ’ for perestroika in the Soviet Union .
19 He said that during his recent visit to Moscow , President Gorbachev had given a warning that the failure of East Germany 's reform process would not only destabilise the GDR but also have ‘ serious repercussions ’ for perestroika in the Soviet Union .
20 He said that in her disdain for the laws of our land she had humiliated the honour of her family name ; there was no other course possible for her family to take .
21 He said that in his opinion the lift had stopped due to the lift buttons being pressed rapidly and randomly , or through a mechanical fault .
22 He reflected that in his twenty year association with the Institution the lifeboat fleet had been adapted to cope with an increasing variety of casualties , from being tailored to serve merchant and fishing vessels it was now dealing with more than an equal number of calls from the holiday maker and the pleasure sailor .
23 ‘ I expect he wanted that for his holiday — he 's up there now , in the Lake District .
24 He pushed that from his mind , and his mind filled instead with the face of a lad on a bicycle who 'd once been friendly , and the face of another who did n't mind playing Find the Penny in the hut on the golf-course .
25 He concluded that in his opinion they had not .
26 And when he suspected that among his askaris , there existed ‘ turned ’ terrorists whose hearts were not with their new masters , he showed no compunction in disposing of the ‘ problem ’ , favouring his tested method : ‘ drops , shot and burnt ’ , otherwise referred to in his absorbing unpublished testament as ‘ the usual manner ’ .
27 When pushed , he explained that in his line of work ‘ cutting corners ’ , ‘ fudging ’ , ‘ giving out disinformation ’ and ‘ cheating just a little ’ are part of the rules ( unstated , but there ) of the job .
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