Example sentences of "he [vb past] [vb pp] [adv] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Morse thought it must be the splendid grandfather clock he 'd seen somewhere that he heard chiming the three-quarters ( 10.45 a.m. ) as he and Lewis sat beside each other in a deep settee in the Lancaster Room .
2 While in The Hague and anticipating Theo 's visit , he had written humourously that he would have to change his Robinson Crusoe-like outfit when his brother arrived from Paris and they walked out together .
3 At the time of the Agadir crisis , he had declared bombastically that it was ‘ high time this insolent clique in Paris should be made once more to feel what a Pomeranian Grenadier can do ’ He edited a book for children , entitled ‘ Germany in Arms ’ , glorifying war , and was fond of speaking to German youth about the forthcoming ‘ happy — cheerful war ’ whatever that meant .
4 Mr Peter Stewart , hospital unit general manager , would not comment on the outcome of the appeal until he had heard officially that it had been defeated .
5 When asked what they got up to , he had muttered darkly that he knew a thing or two about Muslims and ordered drinks all round .
6 George had told him in private the reason for Sarah Butler being packed off to Leeds , and he had realised then that her infatuation for George was an obsession .
7 He had turned so that he faced her , his body propped on that deformed arm of his , the sleeve of his anorak empty , the metal forearm and hand stuffed incongruously into his pack .
8 After paying off the driver Nathan steered her into a busy , softly lit restaurant , and she had to admit he had guessed correctly that a meal did indeed top her list of priorities .
9 He had thought beforehand that he would have to send her back and deal with Sung some other way , but now he had seen her he felt the need in him , like a strong , dark tar in his blood , and knew he would have to purge himself of that .
10 Everything here fed his masochism — as he had known instinctively that it would when he applied for a similar position in the English coalfields some years before , only to be told that he was not mature enough .
11 Was it not sheer arrogant complacency for the right hon. Gentleman to tell the National Economic Development Council at its recent meeting that if he had known before that there would be a fall of 15 per cent .
12 But , in Briggs words , ‘ there is no reason in principle why one can not have the best of both worlds ’ , he believed he had found just that in Sanskrit — a bridge between natural and artificial languages .
13 He had learned also that if there were a continuing nightmare in Israel then it was that an Arab enemy might one day possess the capability to strike at the Jewish heartland with nuclear weapons .
14 The range of Iain 's reading was a constant surprise to me , and he had that rare ability to remember what he had read so that he could pass it on .
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