Example sentences of "he [coord] she [be] not " in BNC.

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1 The new Employment Act will also make it unlawful for organisations to refuse to employ a job applicant on the grounds that he or she is not a union member .
2 He or she is not house-proud or much concerned with appearances .
3 Be careful how you choose — your child wo n't learn to his maximum potential in an environment where he or she is not happy .
4 Some of these families may never be able to accept the blackness of such a child , but , at the same time , they know that he or she is not really white .
5 Within my own practice , I have never met a white child who says he or she is not white ; neither have I met a black child growing up in a black family saying that he or she is not black .
6 Within my own practice , I have never met a white child who says he or she is not white ; neither have I met a black child growing up in a black family saying that he or she is not black .
7 From birth , the baby and infant imbibes moral values and learns to control instinctual wishes so that he or she is not chastised by parents , or other agents of socialization .
8 When a child goes to school he or she is not only confronted with the traditional school subjects , but also with codes and practices governing behaviour .
9 Be certain who you want to talk to , what you want to say , and whether you want to leave a message if he or she is not available .
10 However , as with every part of the curriculum , there is a wider perspective to be taken into account , and that is the fact that there is a limit on what an individual teacher can achieve if he or she is not working in harmony with the rest of the school .
11 The Board is obliged to publicise the escrow account the balance of which is paid to the person if he or she is not convicted or at the end of the five year period .
12 He or she is not nowadays very likely to feature in the book you may write , but the idea lies at the heart of detective fiction and still exercises a subtle influence .
13 However , he or she is not legally the owner of any shares and so does not receive dividends , and can not vote .
14 If the defendant is not insured , he or she is not likely to be worth suing .
15 This is not likely to be an especially serious problem for the assisted party , since if no contribution has been expected , he or she is not likely to be able to pay much in the way of costs to the opponent .
16 If one suppresses the name , one does not suppress the rest of what is reported , so it is reported that someone , or perhaps more than one person who has been defamed , has done something in the course of the case and it may be that he or she is not known to the public and is of no interest to the public .
17 While I am not denigrating individual interpreters working for the immigration service or the Home Office , many of whom work extremely hard and do a very good job , it is essential that those seeking political asylum have an absolute guarantee that the person doing the translating is independent , is fully aware of the importance of an asylum application , is fully familiar with the cases and is somebody whose background has been inquired into to make sure that he or she is not in a position to infiltrate the immigration service and pass information back to the regime from which the individual may be fleeing , thus putting their family at risk .
18 The employee should not need to show that the perception is incorrect nor that he or she is not actually disabled at all .
19 Matching the job to the person will ensure that he or she is not overloaded and makes an effective contribution to the enterprise .
20 Day works should be bed as they provide no incentive for a contractor to be efficient because he or she is not responsible for the efficient use of resources , the profit is guaranteed and there may be a risk of double payment .
21 If it does n't work for you , she argues , discuss it with your GP and if he or she is not sympathetic , ask to see a gynaecologist or attend a menopause clinic .
22 The salesperson should open with a smile , a handshake and , in situations where he or she is not well known to the buyer , introduce himself and the company he represents .
23 Someone who is pretending to be something he or she is not .
24 The first do n't is not to believe that the child is lazy because he or she is not managing to spell .
25 Coaching can be a great help — but it can also get in the way , for slavishly following a pedantic teacher can produce very strange results , with the candidate ending up trying to sound like someone he or she is n't .
26 However , although your accountant is your ‘ servant ’ he or she is n't clairvoyant .
27 If the answer is yes , he or she is n't likely to seek sex on the outside .
28 ‘ He means , ’ said Rita , slowly , in her loud classroom voice , ‘ anyone could walk in as long as he or she were not carrying a package that did look suspicious . ’
29 The applicant had to sign agreement to a statement that confirmed he or she was not less than eighteen years of age , and they understood that the bank reserved the right to decline the application without being required to state any reason , and that no correspondence would be entered into in those circumstances .
30 From the adult position it will be clear that he or she was not in fact guilty of anything but that someone in a position of strength and power was taking advantage of his or her vulnerability mentally as well as physically .
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