Example sentences of "he [adv] [verb] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , as I recall , I was up on the step-ladder dusting the portrait of Viscount Wetherby when my employer had entered carrying a few volumes which he presumably wished returned to the shelves .
2 A similar banality in 2010 is unrelieved by Kubrick 's wicked irony , but is partly concealed by the excellent acting of Scheider , Mirren , Balaban , Lithgow , Baskin , and , of course , Douglas Rain again as the voice of HAL — he alone had escaped from Kubrick 's anti — acting regime in 2001 , to become the only character that anyone cares about or indeed remembers .
3 He is the real man as none other ; for he alone is man as God intends man to be ; he alone has travelled to the uttermost limits of the ‘ far country ’ of man 's estrangement ; and in him alone has the judgement been passed , carried out , and overcome to issue in reconciliation .
4 This one should he easy to get rid of , she thought .
5 Is Wilko trying to prove a point or does he just want rid of Rocky ? ? ?
6 And he just gone parked behind a bike with no lights .
7 He soon became employed as an informer for the police , spying on people and telling the police about anyone who had broken the law .
8 A double Oxford blue for boxing and rowing , he soon became known for his enthusiasm and commitment to sport , usually a backwater post .
9 He soon became known as ‘ the member for Wales ’ , and was accepted as leader of the Welsh Liberal group in Parliament .
10 Dositej entered the Hopovo monastery in the Fruška Gora at the age of sixteen , but he soon became disillusioned with the restricted life of a monk and two years later he escaped .
11 Would he ever have got to the Olympics if every time he went to train at his local track he got swamped by the waste from a few thousand local toilets ?
12 She was still trying to cope with what she was beginning to realise was her over-reaction , though she could n't have said quite why she should feel so alarmed , when he told her coolly , ‘ You misunderstand me , Miss Everett , ’ and was on his feet too as , looking arrogantly down at her , he stated bluntly , ‘ Should I ever be so lucky as you suggest , then , be sure of it , I 'd throw away my rabbit 's foot , ’ and having forthrightly left her under no illusion but that should he ever get saddled with her then he would consider his luck had run out , he went on toughly , ‘ I already know the answer , but , for the record , I want to hear it from you — are you just playing around with Travis for the pure hell of it — or , ’ his voice had taken on a grim edge , ‘ are you in love with him ? ’
13 He still sat crouched against the wall , hugging his sore and battered body , the lower part of his face caked with blood .
14 An amiable , approachable individual of wide interests , he rapidly became known to his subjects as ‘ Farmer George ’ .
15 It 's running so high , and so fast , even a good swimmer might not be able to get out if he once got caught in the current . ’
16 He also became embroiled in another conflict with Britain over Syria and Lebanon .
17 Mr Clinton said he also had spoken with Britain 's John Major ; Canada 's prime minister Brian Mulroney ; Italian premier Giuliano Amato ; President Carlos Salinas de Gortari of Mexico ; President Carlos Menem of Argentina ; and Nelson Mandela , leader of the African National Congress .
18 He later became known as Magnus the Pious because of his unflinching devotion to the cult of Sigmar and to the ideals of nationhood which Sigmar still signified in the divided Empire .
19 It is brought out clearly , and even contrasted with the Hebrew view , in the Epistle to the Hebrews , 9 : 25–6 : ‘ Nor yet that he should offer himself often , as the high priest entereth into the holy place every year with the blood of others ; For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world ; but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself . ’
20 Slicing pieces of the plastic sheeting covering the woodpile as extra waterproofing , he had taped his shotguns into the packages that he now carried slung over one shoulder .
21 Can a row about the endless Saturday afternoons he now spends bent over the bonnet of his old car be used as a vehicle for their underlying struggle ?
22 He still had thick black unruly hair , which he now wore cut in a DA .
23 ‘ This is great , ’ he laughed , pleased with the new , more cosmopolitan Yuri he now saw reflected in the mirror .
24 He now became known as Bishop Bunyan and would travel throughout the country preaching , collecting and distributing alms , and settling quarrels among the brethren .
25 He now stands accused by The Hague city council of serious mismanagement of the Gemeentemuseum 's financial affairs , resulting in a deficit of DFl.4.2 million ( £1.6 million ; $2.3 million ) , a charge which may result in his being held personally responsible for the debts .
26 you could n't do it , but he had every opportunity the other , the twin did to get through you know and he passed his City and Guilds , but Peter 's got on alright , the other son who 's got the factory , he 's , he 's busy got an electrical panels and all that he does , you know , he 's quite good and my other son he works , he used to work at Burnt Mill , and he now has moved to erm er Stansted , he works at Stansted he works in the big food depot , that used to be years ago and he works there , he 's been there ever since he left school , since except two , two years he had in the army you know for the conscription , but he 's been there erm ever since he was fourteen and he 's now about oh , forty something now he is , I 'm not quite sure of their ages , I get muddled up I 've got , eight , eight sons altogether , so , I 've got quite a family dear .
27 He now sat slumped in his chair , fate having painted a faintly mocking smile on to his clammy skin that spoke of joy at having outwitted his executioner .
28 He really had fallen on his feet , and if only Jane would look more kindly on him , they 'd both be set for life .
29 But Newton , known in the dressing room as ‘ Isaac ’ , still has to pinch himself to be sure he really has arrived in the big time .
30 The front-page splash was an old Pilger chestnut — the latest of a series of articles which he periodically wrote based on the diaries of a seven-year-old Asian girl in the East End in which she faithfully recorded racist attacks on the family .
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