Example sentences of "he [is] [adv] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Many know him as the British jazz singer , but he is equally respected for his brilliance as a film and tv critic , modern art expert , writer and fisherman .
2 Well at the present moment it 's about , where he is it 's about half past five , twenty to six , so he is probably waiting for his supper I should think his evening meal .
3 He is already playing for the team and has the qualities to perhaps captain France on day .
4 I would only observe that he is well qualified for the post which he holds .
5 He is well qualified for the task , as he lectures on the subject at Leith 's School of Food and Wine in London and has practical experience as managers of restaurants in Britain , the Caribbean and America .
6 He is well known for his theoretical considerations of the ‘ habitus ’ and ‘ cultural capital ’ .
7 He is well known for his interest in teaching and learning in higher education , especially through the possibilities offered by what used to be known as ‘ new ’ technologies .
8 He is also looking for a supply of three-ply yarn for use on the ribber in jacquard work — again , please help if you can .
9 And he is also calling for a massive reduction in overseas aid , already hit by the fall in the value of the pound .
10 ‘ Because he is also searching for the Presley hoard which is in the Volvo . ’
11 Robert Downey jun won the Best Actor award for his role in Sir Richard Attenborough 's film Chaplin — he is also nominated for an Oscar .
12 With Hartie mortally wounded by the vengeful NZRU council , Kirwan has now made himself available and the newly appointed backs coach Earle Kirton has been heard suggesting that ‘ King John ’ might be assigned a new role at centre , a position he is successfully filling for his second division Italian club Thiene who are coaches by another Kiwi , John Boe .
13 He was more active as a member of the first Jacobean Parliament , often called upon in his official capacity to supply precedents , but he is best remembered for his diary of the Parliament , which has been described as ‘ indispensable ’ .
14 ‘ But he is best remembered for his Porcine Circus . ’
15 In Britain he is best known for the remarkable Byker Wall housing scheme in Newcastle-upon-Tyne .
16 He is best known for his series of paintings , begun in 1946 , which celebrated the life of the outlaw Ned Kelly , who appears with a huge square helmet on his head in the burning wastes of the outback ; ‘ Rousseau and sunlight ’ was how Nolan characterised his own intentionally naive style .
17 He is best known for his epic poem Osman , which , although running to 11,000 lines , was unfinished at his death .
18 … Yes , he is anxiously waiting for the word from us . ’
19 Yesterday I fed him the bony scraps from my reindeer stew and he is now mine for ever .
20 The first quarter is not even over yet , but already Merrill Lynch & Co analyst Daniel Mandresh is lowering his estimate for IBM Corp 's 1993 earnings ( before the inevitable charges ) — and yes , his forecast has gotten from rotten to worse : he is now going for a range of 50 cents to $1.00 a share from a previous $1 to $1.50 , saying poor mainframe sales continue to overshadow the improvements in other areas .
21 But he stressed afterwards he is now running for his own enjoyment .
22 Mosca , like Pareto , had at one stage of his writing career some sympathy for the socialist parties of the period , and like Pareto he is more remembered for his argument that socialists should be seen as dangerous purveyors of an illusory hope of democratic participation .
23 The liquidator , Chris Ashurst of Brighton-based Neville Russell , says that he is still looking for a missing £1m of stock and is keen to hear from anyone who bought OCT machines from anywhere other than the London direct-sales team , or the liquidators ' auction held in Bristol .
24 Chen says he is still looking for new sources of finance that would enable the company to re-hire the 320 people thrown out of work by the closure , but does not hold out much hope .
25 He is still wanted for murder .
26 Five years later , he is still waiting for a response .
27 And , as officials at Lord 's were criticised for their harsh treatment of the player , Lamb was celebrating in Cape Town where he is currently playing for Western Province .
28 He is mainly known for his work on the analytical centrifuge and related hydrodynamic techniques , both in terms of developing the methodology and applying this methodology to the study of macromolecular solutions .
29 He is mainly remembered for his Devotional Services for Public Worship , first published in 1882 .
30 Despite his long and honourable career , he is mainly remembered for his American ministry , the unfavourable accounts of which reflected Jefferson 's animosity towards Britain and Merry .
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