Example sentences of "he [vb mod] be [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If the patient 's foot tends to twist as he stands on it , he may be given a special ankle support to help hold it comfortably in position .
2 He may be given a seat on the tribal council , a position of power and prestige .
3 or , John ( fl. 1480–1500 ) , church composer and musician , Of his biography virtually nothing is known , and of his works few survive ; and yet , in the quality of his accomplishment he may be considered the greatest English composer of the period between John Dunstable ( d .
4 The former speaker , who will start his new duties during a lecture tour of America this summer , will start on a commission basis , but , if his efforts are successful , he may be offered a stake in a formal American venture .
5 In the 1965 Stormont general election Claude Wilton of the Ulster Liberal Party had polled 47 per cent , and some members of the NILP thought that he should be given a clear run in the 1968 by-election , in the hope of defeating the Unionist candidate .
6 ‘ If Wright is guilty of hitting Howells like Davis hit me , then he should be given a nine-match ban , ’ he said .
7 In 1790 , when the county of Cromarty was being contested , one of the freeholders serving in the army demanded , as the price of his support for the candidate favoured by Henry Dundas , that he should be given a company in a regiment stationed in Britain .
8 This may in certain cases require not only that the applicant be informed of the evidence , but that he should be given a sufficient opportunity to deal with it .
9 He may , however , begin to think that , being judged capable of running his own show , he should be given a department of his own .
10 If the matter is to be discussed with the miscreant partner at all he should be given a genuine opportunity to put his case to all the other partners .
11 If someone is to be tried for matters as serious as those for which Mr. Beck was tried and to receive the condign punishment that Mr. Beck received , it is essential that he should have a fair trial and that he should be given every opportunity to deploy his defence .
12 He is not committed , by his education , to rejecting or despising the community in which he was brought up ; but he should be given the means in some sense to detach himself from it .
13 But Eubank is keen to make Eubank v Benn II a reality next summer and insisted last night : ‘ Never mind that , Nigel deserves his million and he should be given the chance to redeem himself against me . ’
14 He should be given the opportunity on reasonable notice to inspect the same .
15 If it 's been agreed that the treasurer spends £300 on publicity with £100 each for posters , leaflets and newspaper advertisements , he should be allowed the latitude to spend £150 on newspaper ads and £150 on leaflets if the publicity chairman thinks it necessary , and perhaps nothing on posters .
16 Mr Sweeney said it was decided by a vote that he should be told the meeting wanted him to reconsider his decision .
17 Jones received £1,600 for his role after his business advisers took their cut and Kinnear believes he should be fined the same amount , even though he has donated the fee to charity .
18 Order 10 , r1(4) states that this mode of service is effected by the defendant 's solicitor endorsing an acceptance on the writ , which means he must be sent the original as well as the service copy .
19 Robert Bossu had pursued the dispute here to Shrewsbury in search of diversion in a time of frustration and inaction , a pity he must be denied the best of the joke that was so much more than merely a joke .
20 He must know what evidence has been given and what statements have been made affecting him , and then he must be given a fair opportunity to correct or contradict them . "
21 Then , realising that sooner or later he must be given a reason for her presence , she repeated the one she had given Stella .
22 Sure , he 's made some mistakes , but after everything he 's done for us in recent years he must be allowed the odd cock-up .
23 I 'm sure he 's done his England career a load of good … he 'll be concidered a good footballer now he 's at Rovers ( even though he 'll be doing eaxctly what he was at Leeds ! ! ! !
24 If he does then it will almost certainly mean that he 'll be offered a directorship .
25 And the same person , this young lad , I know he young stupid but erm I mean er I 've had many a black eye for er speaking instead of listening but er h perhaps he 'll be learnt the same way .
26 The allies have to remember that , even if Mr Hussein were to fall upon his ( or someone else 's ) sword tomorrow , he might be replaced the following day by someone just as dangerous and aggressive .
27 Graham Taylor is hoping that Santa wo n't give away any goals to England 's World Cup opponents — or he might be given the sack .
28 He , surprisingly enough , was comparatively sober , which means he was drunk by any ordinary standards , but by the very gauge he had set himself over the years , he might be called a pillar of sobriety — and grumpy with it .
29 Or he might be handed a file and a tiny silver tool with which to clean her toenails while she dozed in a chair .
30 The fee , in all the circumstances , was one of the BBC 's greatest bargains , but Lord Rothschild was very concerned lest he might be offered a lower fee .
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