Example sentences of "he [vb mod] come [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He 'll come out to search for me , ’ thought Giles , ‘ and bring the neighbours too .
2 He 'll come in to cook because Mrs Files is off and she wo n't come in .
3 Bring on Frank — give Deano a couple of games on the bench and he might come back looking a little sharper .
4 Chrissy will come in , he might come in bringing Simon and his mum
5 But like he might come in say twenty past eleven something
6 No , here he must remain until he could come forth vindicated .
7 He 'd come well prepared .
8 What on earth else had she thought he 'd come here to tell her ?
9 He d have these two hideous , fat , white women up there and when he 'd finished he 'd come down to play football in the street .
10 you see , and he was , he , he probably brought me into the world , you see but , er you see , and Mrs erm , you see , she was married to Doctor and he used to come up to see my father and we had a different door then door being that 's got a yale lock on now but he he 'd say , hello Frank , you know always so you got , oh he was so nice and it was such a shame that he died
11 Well you took all this sort of things in your stride but the next day we heard about these houses being knocked down , you see , and I think that 's the nearest I 've been to be killed but one day , one Saturday and that was in a daylight raid , one Saturday afternoon because , you see , I was off every afternoon but I worked till ten every night , you see , and er so erm but of course Hugh worked during the day and he was off in the evening , that 's why he used to come down to see , to see us and er he used to come in er you see and leave his lodgings and , oh be about nine o'clock and he spent the last day up there perhaps with his friends , have a chat , and er , you see , and but er and I was walking along it was called and suddenly a plane came over and I thought oh I expect it 's one of ours .
12 He took me out last Sunday and I said as we were driving over to Lavenham , I said an early would be much appreciated , I said I cooked the Sunday Lunch for my lodgers , but I have n't , in fact , had any myself he said you 've got to have a high tea , he said you must have a proper meal and he ordered up salad and a a ham salad and have this and have that and have the other , where as some of them like this chap Gerald who was erm sent me by one of the other agencies the first time we went out he took me to a meal and he obviously felt that quite enough , after that he used to come out to see me after he 'd had his meal meanness , hanging onto money !
13 He used to come home smelling of iron-filings , and would sit down , unwashed , to a monstrous pile of chopped heart .
14 and he used to come home looking as white as a sheet sick to the teeth and he used to just go to bed and collapse in a heap , he is n't strong enough to do it and it 's pointless for him to try but other than that he can do anything he fancies .
15 In fact , on several occasions after he left , he would come down to sort out a problem for us .
16 Every evening he would come down wearing the black cashmere jacket he had worn on the first night , and in a mood that was somehow expectant .
17 Shy and unhappy , she one day went to sleep in the spare room , hoping that he would come in to find her , but he credited her with his own temperament and thought only that she wished to be alone .
18 To her shame , she 'd postponed her departure to Bordeaux until the last possible moment , hanging round Les Hiboux , hoping against hope that he would come there to find her — to say a formal goodbye at least , even if she could hope for nothing else , she 'd thought achingly .
19 He would come back entranced to his own home : ‘ from the window , right across the housetops , I could see the masts and sprays of tall stately ships …
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