Example sentences of "he [vb mod] [vb infin] [prep] [being] " in BNC.

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1 There 's a sort of nasty perverted curiosity in me — I mean , all the women he 's had and all the things he must know about being in bed .
2 He says he 'll get over being out there over Christmas .
3 A man who allowed his dogs to walk around without collar and lead says he 'll appeal after being ordered to pay almost nine hundred pounds .
4 No trick , as he gleefully recounted himself was too low or devious to ensure the required result , though he might boast of being the " King of the Bristol Channel " .
5 On the open land of Hampstead Heath , away from people and houses , he found a place in a field where he could sleep without being disturbed .
6 He could preside without being too much the centre of attention .
7 Roger suddenly launched into this discussion about how they 'd identified the need for someone to join the team with a view to becoming a main board member ; this person would effectively release him from a lot of the day-to-day public company responsibilities and the accounting , reporting and auditing areas , so that he could focus on being part of the entrepreneurial team , organising financing and liaising with the City .
8 Other career possibilities include the life of a lazzarone in Naples ; though he 'd settle for being the driver of the coach which plies between Nîmes and Marseilles .
9 The Messiah of David would be a royal figure , presiding over the secular administration of the new kingdom , which he would bring into being through his military prowess .
10 He made it clear that , as well as a commitment from ‘ day one ’ to legislation on proportional representation , followed by a referendum , he would insist on being part of a coalition government with Cabinet posts for his MPs .
11 Three days later , in the Sunday Telegraph , he will admit to being ‘ appalled at how un-Thatcherite the Tory leaders have sounded ’ throughout the campaign .
12 He 's like a dictator who 's just come to power and does all the awful violent things at once , like changing the laws and murdering people and confiscating everything — then later on it 'll all be taken for granted and he can play at being kind and good . ’
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