Example sentences of "he [modal v] do [subord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 What it says is Man deþ swá hé byþ þonne hé mót swá hé wile , ‘ Man does as he is when he may do as he wishes ’ , or more colloquially ‘ you show what you 're like when you can do what you like ’ .
2 Well he should do because I do n't think
3 He should do if it is all down to the ball .
4 He must do as I tell him ! ’
5 I do n't want Matt to struggle alone with the barbecue — and that 's precisely what he 'll do if I 'm not there . ’
6 He 'll do as he 's told ! ’
7 Who knows what he might do if he felt threatened . ’
8 ‘ She was afraid of what he might do when she told him she was n't going to keep up the pretence any longer and everything she did in future was to be sold as her own work . ’
9 It became important that he should go on believing the lie , for what he could do if he discovered the truth of the situation did n't bear thinking about .
10 The vet said there was n't much he could do because he did n't think Biggles was old enough or strong enough to survive the anaesthetic .
11 Sinatra seemed to reach a point where he thought he could do as he liked .
12 He could do as he liked with his own property , could n't he ?
13 As it was , she became more and more incensed as she tried to break out of his limpet-like hold , the result being that when she did manage to break free she was so outraged — just because she was a female contracts officer , the boss 's son thought he could do as he liked with her — that she verbally tore into him .
14 ‘ I keep wondering what he 'd do if I wandered up to the edge of the pit and leaned over and yelled , ‘ Oi , you down there .
15 I once asked a 14 year old who had the word SKIN tattooed across his forehead what he 'd do if he ever lost the faith : — ‘ Cut me 'ead off ’ , he said grinning , ‘ Or maybe grow a fringe ’ .
16 Except , of course , she could never — ever — tell them what that folly had led to — even if , looking back , she could now honestly say that she had done nothing to provoke it , that she could have expected anger from Havvie at her changing her mind , but never that he would do as he did .
17 If he protests his innocence , he is doing just what he would do if he were guilty .
18 Asked once what he would do if he knew he had six months to live , he replied : ‘ I 'd type faster . ’
19 His philosophy of management was neatly summed up in his reply when asked what he would do if he were a referee , a prospect he likened to being ‘ thrown to the lions ’ :
20 He often wondered what he would do if he did manage to catch him .
21 Roger White , senior tax partner at KPMG , says that it 's what he would do if he were Chancellor .
22 And as she stared , there was interposed on the fair skin face of a man , a thin man , and he was leering at her as if in triumph , as he would do if he were to get hold of this unusual-looking child , for he 'd make a pretty penny out of her , no matter what channel he sent her along , his nursery , the street , or the boat .
23 He wondered what he would do if he could n't get into the house … well , he supposed he could go back to Joseph 's place , spend the night there and then hurry home at first light , when the servants would be up .
24 Heinrich was thinking over all the implications of the last hour , and what he would do if he were correct .
25 It was what he would do if he caught her that worried her , Maria reflected drily .
26 That is what the right hon. Gentleman has said that he would do if he were Prime Minister .
27 Well it was all about Derek 's attitudes to it and , and , and what he , what he would do if he found people with drugs at Haileybury .
28 Well he would do if he did n't have marks .
29 What he would do if I were n't here to look after him , I 'm sure I do n't know . ’
30 Stephen had no clear idea , no idea at all really , as to what he would do when he and the man encountered each other .
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