Example sentences of "he [be] [prep] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 They faced each other , Harry standing with his hands on his hips , Sir Gregory forcing back his shoulders as if he were on parade and trying to reassure himself of his own rank and standing .
2 It has been stated that the principle of primogenital succession was increasingly observed in the eleventh century ; but there was a substantial difference between accepting the customary right of the eldest son to succeed , if he were of age and competent , and accepting it as an inviolable rule , as was proved by the usurpation of Robert the Frisian , and perhaps also by the succession of Raymond IV of Toulouse ( though here the facts are rather uncertain ) .
3 Erm I come in , and I went upstairs to see if he were in bed or not ?
4 He deceives those near to him by his professions of love — ‘ A man he is of honesty and trust ’ , Othello says ( 1 .
5 ‘ ( 1 ) Where … there is reasonable cause to suspect that the person had died a sudden death of which the cause is unknown , the coroner may , if he is of opinion that a post-mortem examination may prove an inquest to be unnecessary — ( a ) direct any legally qualified medical practitioner … to make a post mortem examination of the body and to report the result of the examination to the coroner in writing .
6 Fillis 's training methods were cruel , and fortunately were quickly forgotten after his death , but he is of interest because he tried to demonstrate ( although unsuccessfully ) how horses think .
7 So they stand cheerfully by the carriage window revealing in loud voices the personal secrets of the wretched traveller , who winces as he realizes that he has to travel two hundred miles with a carriage full of strangers who know his family history , how prone he is to chills if he wears a damp vest , what he has to do when he arrives at his destination .
8 It seems he is at play while I am asleep .
9 If it is true he is on £4,000-a-week and is asking for more , Brian Clough is right — as usual — to say ‘ no ’ .
10 He is on record as saying , ‘ In thinking about how to be distinctive , where would you go for different talent ? ’
11 His pedigree may be long , but nevertheless here he is on piano and electronic keyboards leading his own band for the first time on disc with the driving drums of Jeff ‘ Tain ’ Watts ( also of Branford Marsalis group fame ) , Branford himself on tenor sax , Roderick Ward ( alto sax ) , Charnett Moffett , Chris McBridge , Robert Hurst or Andy Gonzales ( all alternating on bass ) , Jerry Gonzales ( percussion ) and on one track Steve Berrios and on two Don Alias ( both on drums , percussion ) .
12 A further great grievance that exists in this force in the Division where I am is that the Section Sergeant dare not enter any Station while he is on duty unless he signs the main station book ; yet the plain clothes P.C.s and Detective Constables , and even uniform P.C.s can go into the Station as often as they think and there is no order that any of them must sign in and out .
13 Then comes the expected , ‘ unless the custody officer has reasonable grounds for believing that his detention without being charged is necessary to secure or preserve evidence relating to an offence for which he is under arrest or to obtain such evidence by questioning him ’ [ emphasis added ] .
14 The Act requires the person arrested to be informed that he is under arrest as soon as this is practicable .
15 Section 29 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 ( P. & C.E. Act ) provides that he should be informed at once that he is under arrest if a decision is taken to prevent him leaving at will .
16 So A must shout to tell B that he is under arrest and why .
17 He says he is in Liverpool but we are also keeping up inquiries in Scotland . ’
18 The best time for this ‘ homework ’ to be done is in what I call the twilight time at night — that period when he is in bed and drowsy but not yet asleep .
19 The defendant only needs to assert that he is in possession and the plaintiff must then show that his title is better than the defendant 's .
20 ‘ Every Man Now , be his fortune what it will , is to be doing something at his Place , as the fashionable Phrase is , ’ writes an enthusiast in 1739 ‘ and you hardly meet with any Body , who , after the first Compliments , does not inform you , that he is in Mortar and moving of Earth ; the modest terms for Building and Gardening ’ .
21 ‘ It appears , however , that he is in doubt as to whether he is a ‘ British subject of pure European descent ’ .
22 He must be prepared to sit , for years if needs be , until he is in tune and receives enlightenment .
23 He will use the suite of rooms as his base whenever he is in London but Highgrove , 90 miles away in Gloucestershire , will continue to be his main home .
24 ( g ) To inform the suspect of the reason for the detention , of his right to legal advice and his right to have a person informed that he is in custody and his right to consult the Codes of Practice .
25 Except when they are earned by the professor as the supervisor of graduate students , as an academic adviser under the regulations for Recognized Students , or ( subject to the approval of the faculty board or boards concerned and the General Board , including approval as to the length of time for which the permission shall be given ) in respect of tutorial teaching for up to four hours per week ( exceptionally up to six hours per week ) , any fees received for lectures or instruction given by the professor in the University shall be applied towards meeting the expenses of the department of which he is in charge or , if he is not in charge of the department , shall be paid to the Curators of the University Chest for the credit of the University General Fund .
26 However , you of all people know how erratic are his movements , moved as he is by guilt and persecution .
27 He is from Middlesbrough and in his early thirties .
28 He is against racism and sexism , but is capable of reflecting : ‘ He was in love with Alison Houston .
29 He 's into fun and games in bed , all the horny things that I get off on like spankings and Polaroid pictures .
30 And well Ian he 's into computers and things like that , I mean the technology The bridge , behind the bridge just unbelievable , I think it 's
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