Example sentences of "he [be] [adj] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Although Saddlers ' Hall , runner-up to Toulon in last year 's St Leger , did not defeat strong opposition , it was more the way in which he achieved this victory that impressed and he is certain to be a force later in the season .
2 Coming out of the meeting , a lady was heard remarking , ‘ Mr Ramsey spoke very nicely but I do think he is young to be Master of a College ’ ; for she thought that he was the new Master of Magdalene whose name was the same except for the spelling .
3 At 31 Michael Queen admits he is young to be a local director with 3i .
4 The wind is beginning to get up and he is keen to be started .
5 If he is afraid of compromising himself in the eyes of Messrs Goupil and Co by keeping in touch with me , is his position with those gentlemen so shaky and unstable that he is obliged to be so careful ? ’
6 His bust , crowned with fresh bay leaves , presides at the side of the stage , and if he is looking down from Valhalla , let us hope he is pleased to be proved wrong .
7 He breathes , digests , lifts an arm , takes the next step , without thinking how to do it , and if bad health forces him to analyse and choose in such peripheral matters he is sorry to be distracted from his central concerns .
8 But Hirst showed he is close to being back to his sharpest again , pouncing on a clever Chris Waddle ball in the 84th minute to beat Alan Kelly .
9 He is entitled to be so furious with the way the Home Office and Conservative Central Office behaved during the presidential election that Mr Major will never even make it on to his Christmas card list .
10 In addition , an agreement between an accepting shareholder and the bank to direct the consideration shares to which he is entitled to be allotted to the bank in return for cash could be construed as an equitable assignment of the right to the allotment of the shares ( see , for example , Letts v Inland Revenue Commissioners [ 1956 ] 3 All ER 588 ) and possibly chargeable .
11 Mr Meacher said that such details would have to be worked out between ministers and their officials , but he is likely to be pressed to be more specific .
12 He is likely to be put on an aircraft in the next few days .
13 The Old Boys will hope that their captain , England international Julian Halls , who has been plagued with injuries since the summer , comes through a second XI game today without problems ; if so , he is likely to be in the squad .
14 He is likely to be thrust into the national political limelight .
15 Even though air travel means that he can be rapidly recalled in an emergency , he is likely to be pilloried for dereliction of duty .
16 So if you approach a sympathetic , but so far neutral , person and start telling him that he ought to give his support because of x , y and z policies he is likely to be bored and irritated .
17 At weekends he is likely to be found at his stone cottage complete with Aga , stream and duck pond .
18 Not the way it is today , when on the rare occasion an employee accompanies a guest here , he is likely to be some newcomer who has little to say about anything other than Association Football , and who prefers to pass the evening not by the fire of the servants ' hall , but drinking at the Ploughman 's Arms — or indeed , as seems increasingly likely nowadays , at the Star Inn .
19 He is likely to be easily distracted by the sights and sounds around him , and this might make him stray into the road or trip and fall .
20 Choose the one you feel is attuned to you and your needs — — this can often be judged by the number of relevant questions asked ; the more that are asked , the better he is likely to be .
21 He is likely to be very bright and to find learning easy but in many cases he will be coached and encouraged by a parent ( usually the father ) in that one direction so that he becomes a prodigy or a ‘ genius ’ at mathematics .
22 I am happy that he is receiving education suitable to age , ability and aptitude at home , in fact , between ourselves , it is probably more appropriate and worthwhile than that which he is likely to be receiving at school — not through any fault in the local schools but because schools can not always provide ideal circumstances for all learning and certainly can not provide the context in which John is operating .
23 When investigating an alleged miscarriage of justice , I have always made it a rule first to talk to the convicted man 's trial solicitor as he is likely to be the last man his client would wish to con , or would succeed in conning ii he tried .
24 But he is likely to be kept out of the team by Prost who is believed to have a deal which bars the Brazilian from coming in as his partner .
25 The first and more important reason is that he is likely to be transferred out of Bull within the next few months , along with other chief executives at state-owned companies , when the rightist coalition almost inevitably takes over the government from the Socialist Party after the legislative elections this month .
26 According to Thomas Cronin : As Cronin and others suggest , Ford was constantly rebuffed and disappointed by Congress ; his positive achievements in both foreign and domestic policy were few and in any history of presidential congressional relations he is likely to be best remembered for the most extensive use of the negative power of the veto in modern times .
27 In so far as the typical client can be identified from the survey information , he is likely to be a male owner-occupier aged between 25 and 34 and be himself a member of the professional or employers and managers socio-economic group .
28 If he can not do this quickly — either because you have not told him what questions you have answered , or because you have indicated them in an order that is not that in which you have attempted them — he is likely to be mildly annoyed .
29 The student has identified and highlighted the three major aspects of the topic on which he is likely to be questioned .
30 However , if he happens also to run a business and sells one of the cars in circumstances suggesting that he is selling it in the course of that business , then he is likely to be regarded as doing just that , Southwark London Borough v. Charlesworth ( paragraph 9–20 above ) .
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