Example sentences of "he [be] [verb] [prep] many " in BNC.

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1 An important example is George Crabbe , who grew up in poverty but eventually became a priest ; although his poetry is deeply informed by the experience of poverty , he is alienated in many respects from the class into which he was born .
2 Mr , you you 've er commented upon Mr 's objection that he made himself , but of course there are he is appearing for many others ,
3 Though he is helped by many , he helps nobody .
4 As he is depicted in many Jewish apocryphal documents the Devil is certainly closer to the New Testament Devil than the Hebrew Satan of the Jewish Bible .
5 He says he 's fallen in many times .
6 One recruit of the period is worth special mention as he was regarded by many as a genius .
7 During the wait Mozart was given the chance of trying an organ in the local church ( something he was to do in many of the towns that the family later visited ) :
8 In July 1568 , he was appointed to the Commission of Sewers , along with Lord Cobham , a position he was to hold for many years and which was to make him a close friend of Lord Cobham until Cobham 's death .
9 During his tenure he was accused by many civil rights groups of not being sufficiently conscientious in enforcing anti-discrimination legislation .
10 Yet he was mistrusted by many .
11 By the 1730s he was considered by many to be the richest commoner in England , and at his death his income from landed property , coalmining , investments in government funds , and mortgage holdings was around £25,000 annually .
12 When Alexander reached the age of sixty he was persuaded by many friends , afraid that his most valuable secrets would die with him , to set up a training school to teach others to be teachers of his technique .
13 He died in 1936 , and despite the Franco oppression he was venerated by many of the university staff .
14 He was acquainted with many great men of his age , including Sir Joshua Reynolds , John Zoffany , Thomas Gainsborough ( who painted his portrait ) , Charles Burney [ qq.v . ] ,
15 He was acquainted with many sources of the Caesarian and Augustan age ; he even quotes Caesar 's Cornmentarii ( 4.1.1 ) .
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