Example sentences of "he [adv] [vb -s] is [art] " in BNC.

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1 Storming into the restaurant where the Italian and Miss Maughan 's character were dining , he invented some story about having to keep her away from the paparazzi ( which he probably thinks is the coffee you buy in Venice ) and whisked her off her feet back to his place .
2 It has been said that Ian McShane has a footballer 's haircut , but in fact what he now has is a football manager 's haircut .
3 What he really wants is a business of the inside and outside of his head , in this case of his ‘ alone ’ juxtaposed with the authorial ‘ loneliness and estrangement ’ : a rich relationship , not a flat contradiction or dead end , a relationship which evokes and nurses a distinction established as far back as The Double , between false solitude ( ‘ loneliness and estrangement ’ ) and true solitude which is the obverse of true society and meaningless without it .
4 The dignified pose struck by Chauntecleer in response to Pertelote 's unsympathetic reaction to his dream , in particular the understandable offence he takes at the embarrassing suggestion that what he really needs is a good laxative , would be comic in a human character ; that the character is a bird provides an opportunity for a greater bathetic and comic deflation when the character ends his monologue by flying down from the perch to peck , chuck and " tread " his favourite hens twenty times before dawn ( 3172 – 8 ) .
5 ‘ What he actually says is a very proper reminder that you can do more good with wealth in the nation , in the community and in the family , but wealth for its own sake is not a good thing . ’
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