Example sentences of "he [adv] [noun sg] of [verb] " in BNC.

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1 What had all this got to do with the cruel terrors of Spiderglass that kept Mars-U as a garden of torture ( she could n't even think of the garden-master ; somehow he just kind of disappeared from her mind ) so it could pluck poor students into its web of inhumanity ?
2 ‘ But he just kind of strolled into the office and said ‘ Well …
3 ‘ Maybe he just kind of drifted into it . ’
4 he sa I do n't know he said , said he went to the he kept on getting it , offered of speed and he just sort of took more and more and more and people were saying that he could n't walk straight and stuff which er
5 I ca n't reproduce the way he talks — you 'll have to listen to him for yourself — but he just sort of zooms off .
6 and he said you know , he said they have n't been turning up at that chapel for them , when they 've preaching but you did n't crack on they knew anything about that but he just sort of said said no you know remain non-committal .
7 He could he was a brilliant machinist and er oh crikey I 've seen him turn out a a three throw er crankshaft within a couple of days er you know without any precise measuring and and and in fact he just sort of put his roll on on on a on the shaft he was turning and just sort of gave him an idea as to I mean his eye was almost as good as many a bloke 's measur measurement with a rule .
8 and he just come in and he just sort of put them down like that , put the books next to them like that and never said nothing , so I never said nothing to them about them anyway
9 I listen real close to him , but he do n't really play the tune — he just sort of goes blah-blah-blah every now and then .
10 He just sort of glanced at the photos and then carried on talking .
11 And he just — well , he just sort of sat down and wrote it straight off . ’
12 You could just see him getting more and more het up but if he just sort of sat down and wrote things down what he 'd got to do and do , try and do them in a set order .
13 I 'll come following you He d yeah it was odd when Frank said that cos apparently what happened , he just sort of started saying that he did n't think that Frank had really been there for him and that he was being a bit sort of selfish and stuff which I mean maybe he has been but the thing is if you know if Frank 's making this massive effort to like fit in and meet new people and stuff then
14 He had a he , he when he did walked into town he was a cripple , he just sort of fling
15 He always sort of backpedalled whenever he 'd exposed his feelings . ’
16 But he liked gripped me on the arm and then his hand would appear from nowhere during the concert , he like kind of rubbed my arm and are you alright ?
17 I mean obviously once she 's been through the learning process herself , so Doug came away feeling quite pleased that he 'd made that contact and he also sort of made one or two , he , he had one or two wise observations I think about the evening , he made one or two new contacts himself and the suggestion and things , he spoke very well about it , at our committee on our last meeting last week
18 And er he comes home at half past three and he then sort of told us what we 'd got to do in it .
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