Example sentences of "he [adv] know that the " in BNC.

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1 May we have a change in our procedure for questioning the Leader of the House who last week announced the business for the following week even though he apparently knows that the election is to be called for 9 April and that the business will therefore be changed ?
2 He only knew that the speech had told and that he raised applause , and that he made some jokes which aroused laughter .
3 Whether Mick would have proposed this he did not know ; he only knew that the desire had been there ; but it seemed to be the pattern that she and her uncle left together at dinnertime .
4 He already knew that the knot of pressmen by the Lodge gates was swelling by the hour , and the Super intended to issue an interim statement to keep them happy .
5 Within a few days of his election he already knew that the way to realize this ‘ new Pentecost ’ was an Ecumenical Council .
6 He quickly knew that the rest of the order had been ‘ tie him ’ .
7 It seemed ridiculous , but a frown crossed his face when he remembered that in a very short time the hard fiat sand that he was walking on would be thirty feet under the water of one of the most unpredictable estuaries in the world He also knew that the tide was usually preceded by a rising wind
8 It turned out that our candidate , who came to address us one evening , knew my Aunt Kit and had the greatest admiration for her , even though he also knew that the only reason why she had not been offered another , safer constituency after 1945 was that it had become too obvious she was unable to keep off the drink .
9 While Self knew that the pressures were great , and respected the engineers ' need to retain control of technical aspects of contracts and tender assessments , he also knew that the engineers were deliberately fending him off and impeding the agreement on procedures which he felt was essential for Central Authority financial control .
10 He also knew that the next few minutes could lose what chance had so miraculously delivered up to him at long last .
11 He also knew that the only men to sit round that table with the Reichsführer were cranks like Himmler himself who believed all the dark-age twaddle about Saxon superiority , or time-servers who had their own chairs with names inscribed on a silver plate .
12 He also knows that the Government set considerable store by having in hand arrangements that will inspire confidence across the face of the community in the activities of the security forces and the RUC .
13 Law knew that " a year 's peerages have been hypothecated " even before he became leader , and he probably knew that the party could not do without this source of income .
14 He now knew that the old Slann gates had collapsed , sending surges of transmuting energy through the remnants of their old network of gates .
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