Example sentences of "he [adv] [verb] their [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But he eventually sees their potential and cleans up his act just in time .
2 Unlike the censorious and supremely moral SFA , they rallied round their player when he most needed their support .
3 And he alone guarantees their keeping .
4 That he just likes their company , really .
5 He just reads their mail without them knowing it and the thing that would really appeal to him is that the companies he sets his sights on are actually paying him for delivering it ! ’
6 After the incident , the Cheshires ' commanding officer , Lt Col Bob Stewart , said he was very sad that his men had had to resort to force but he totally backed their decision to do so .
7 He still defends their use on the grounds that ‘ For selfish reasons a prison administrator needs to know as much as he can about each prisoner , especially incoming prisoners . ’
8 He always had their maid squeeze some fresh juice when Lorna Lewis was scheduled to put in an appearance .
9 The first of the scientific staff to arrive would probably be Clifford Bradley , the Higher Scientific Officer in the Biology Department , scurrying through the hall as if he had no right to be there , with his anxious hunted eyes and that stupid , drooping moustache , so preoccupied that he hardly noticed their greeting .
10 He also felt their might prove a shortage of pace in the Lions ' back-row .
11 It has been suggested that during the last four years of his reign Charles " at last emerged as an unfettered sovereign " , and that " instead of having to solicit the support of his subjects , he now commanded their obedience " .
12 He even learnt their language .
13 The culprits were identified , their motives revealed , and he reluctantly admired their deviousness , the sheer wickedness of their plan .
14 He never discussed their principle .
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