Example sentences of "he [verb] me a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He made me a fair offer in the circumstances and I even picked up another two pounds from one of the street traders for Charlie 's huge barrow ; but hard though I tried I could n't find a buyer for Granpa Charlie 's dreadful old nineteenth-century relic .
2 ‘ I thought he was laughing at me , that he did n't want to see me , but then he stopped me and he made me a little bow , just like a real gentleman , and gave me a present , as if he did care .
3 ‘ A week ago he sold me a second-hand car that he said was almost new .
4 I was certain he did n't know I was following him , but he led me a pretty dance almost as if he was trying to lose me .
5 Yeah I only put in for three thousand , he got me a nine .
6 ‘ So he got me a few gigs round the Irish pubs , and I had to learn off some traditional Irish ballads quickly for the sort of audiences you got there certainly did n't want to hear me singing songs by James Taylor or Simon and Garfunkel .
7 He owes me a grand !
8 He drew me a small but accurate map . ’
9 He drew me a little plan of how to get to W H Smiths and that .
10 he needs me a new home
11 But Lindner said yesterday : ‘ I talked to Doug Laughton this afternoon and he told me a two-year contract was in the mail and everything was fine . ’
12 We spent the morning raking gently , and he told me a long and obscene story about a girl called Tina Jelly from Aldershot .
13 And then he told me a hilarious story about the way in which the chairman of the committee , I 'm not sure quite what particular branch in the world he 'd come from but he was looking at the figures , I suppose it was an accountant looking at the , the figures saying now why is it that the amount spent on district nurses has gone up ?
14 He told me a bleak story of life out there in the fax field .
15 Two days later he granted me a private audience , a remarkable consideration during those eventful days to his youngest and least important guest .
16 He hands me a different picture .
17 He hands me a brown manila file , and a handwritten invoice which I imagine he is giving to me now while the connection between the reams of faxes and the many noughts , in local shillings , of his invoice is still fresh .
18 He hands me a white envelope .
19 He hands me a folded Guardian so we can work the indoor drop .
20 Finally , he declared low ; I declared both ways ; and he showed me a concealed three .
21 He showed me a little thing , the size of a hazelnut , in the palm of my hand , and it was as round as a ball .
22 He buys me a double Jameson 's .
23 He handed me a big brown envelope , and although he was obviously curious his training kept back any questions .
24 He taught me a great deal about The Times crossword , and I taught him how to swear .
25 He taught me a great deal .
26 Could he drop me a few grams on credit ?
27 Far as I remember he called me a nasty name and I slapped his wrist . ’
28 he called me a fucking cunt !
29 So I was not surprised when he rang me a few weeks later to say that Dorothy was in hospital .
30 We rose and he took me a short distance to Bread Street .
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