Example sentences of "he [verb] the government have " in BNC.

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1 The minister disappointed some supporters when he confirmed the Government had abandoned plans for legislation to curb the activities of the National Union of Students .
2 He stressed the Government had ‘ absolutely no intention ’ of relaxing the ban on the sale of alcohol to under 18s , or of efforts to prevent underage drinking .
3 He said the Government had failed to understand the depth of feeling amongst unionists , especially as they had to share the council chamber with Sinn Fein .
4 He said the government had helped the North help itself .
5 He said the Government had ploughed £22.4m into housing authority ( see corr notes ) grants for work in Darlington since 1979 .
6 Speaking in Skelton , in the marginal Langbaurgh constituency , he said the Government had taken tough measures against the scourge of car crime .
7 He said the government had evidence that APLA operated out of bases in the ‘ independent ’ homeland of Transkei .
8 He believes the Government has missed the opportunity to pave the way for badly needed investment .
9 He believes the government has generally down-graded people working in the public services sector over the last ten years , with university teachers having fared particularly badly as far as pay is concerned .
10 He believes the government has a good defence and the needs of the average citizen outweigh those of the haemophiliacs .
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