Example sentences of "he [verb] the government [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Consequently , he wants the Government to delay no longer , but to begin to devolve real responsibility to the people of Northern Ireland .
2 He wants the government to leave defence spending alone .
3 But , he wants the government to act on the recommendations of the Royal Commmission on criminal justice .
4 Chairman of the working party which produced the report , Sir Christopher Booth says he wants the government to impose tougher controls on the water industry .
5 He encouraged the government to requisition the workers , and signed the order himself .
6 He urged the Government to restore a ‘ right of entry ’ to Britain for Hong Kong people , which would fall technically short of right of abode , but would imply surety of refuge .
7 He urged the Government to listen to the representations of the 60,000 people of the Down area seeking a new hospital .
8 Conservative MP Quentin Davies sent a shiver of anxiety through the trade last week when , speaking during a Commons debate on the Finance ( No 2 ) Bill , he urged the government to extend VAT to books and other zero-rated goods .
9 In his new year 's message he urged the government to mitigate its harshest effects .
10 He urged the Government to make time for Lord Houghton of Sowerby 's Abortion ( Amendment ) Bill , which peers debate next Thursday , to permit a separation of the issues .
11 He urged the Government to make the strongest protests and redouble efforts to obtain the release of other British citizens held .
12 However , he urged the Government to consider taking the ambulance staff 's pay permanently outside the political arena by setting up a pay review body for ambulance staff Mr Clarke replied the NHS could not end up in a situation whereby group after group took industrial action and were rewarded by arbitration bodies .
13 He urged the Government to recognise the danger of fuelling unemployment and undermining the economy in Scotland by allowing massive job cuts to take place in the public sector .
14 He urged the Government to look hard at a number of other measures , short and long-term , to improve the position :
15 He persuaded the government to allow a group of students to be sent to the USA in 1872 , but they were recalled for fear they might become ‘ too gay ( morally loose ) or western ’ ( Wang 1928 : 44 ) , a comment which would not be out of place in more recent times .
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