Example sentences of "he [verb] the [noun sg] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Boy wound down the window so that he could see the stars better , and then he made the man kiss him , right there .
2 The ball 's he let the ball drop behind him but er he still had a chance to get back on this .
3 He helped the crew hang up their coats , said , ‘ So ! ’ again , and led us into the living-room , a modest affair with a bookcase of mainly naval books , a desk with photographs of his dead family , a crucifix , and , on a separate table , a model of a U-boat .
4 Parry made his debut in the fourth match of 1931–32 , when he helped the Palace secure a superb 3–0 victory at Brighton , and he became a regular member of our side that season .
5 The bear had supper and a bed for the night , and next morning he helped the fox mount guard over the horse .
6 He let the sentence trail off into a silence that vibrated .
7 He let the sentence hang .
8 He let the sentence hang unfinished , and she shivered , struck anew by the danger she 'd voluntarily placed herself in .
9 He let the contact lengthen ; she did n't move away .
10 He let the man run .
11 He let the mattress sag to one side and clutched his scalp , swaying dizzily for a moment .
12 He let the film run again , watching as it cut to a later moment when Fischer had interrupted the meeting to tell the T'ang about the fire .
13 He let the question hang delicately in the air .
14 He let the opening float over him : undulating strings , like someone stirring from sleep , which rose to one crashing climax , followed by another .
15 The sideways look he sent her clearly said he was far from convinced , but to her relief he let the subject drop .
16 Jenna felt the rising of annoyance that came when any mention was made of her mother , and he let the subject drop at once , too well trained to antagonise .
17 He let the conversation drift .
18 He let the girl jog past him and then jumped out on to her back ; she never even heard him until his arms were around her body .
19 Miloš , however , was not interested , and after wasting Vuk 's time for over a year he let the scholar return to Austria empty-handed .
20 He let the thought pass as the plane came to a halt less than twenty yards away from the limousines .
21 Gasping , momentarily blinded by the water in her eyes , she became conscious of Niall , treading water beside her , of his dark hair , plastered against his head , of his bronzed , naked chest against which her own head was resting as he let the water take her weight , drawing her towards him .
22 He let the car drift to the kerb and stopped with the lights off , watching the rear-view and wing mirrors .
23 He let the torch travel down over her back , to take her all in , and was surprised to something peculiar under her tail .
24 And this time he let the contempt enter his voice .
25 He let the teacher go ahead , reluctant to go in , wanting to keep the blanket of darkness and silence about him a moment longer .
26 At last he let the baby cry .
27 Innocent maintained that Philip should have gone to Rome for absolution but for the moment he let the matter rest .
28 He let the matter drop .
29 He let the towel drop and dug around in a drawer for some underwear .
30 He let the silence drag , long and hard , and then he finally spoke .
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