Example sentences of "he [verb] with another [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Leith was still gasping at his audacity as well as at his discernment when , flicking a glance at the way her chestnut hair was fastened in a repressive knot , he inserted with another glance at her severe hairstyle , ‘ Now why would a beautiful woman , with equally beautiful hair , try to hide her beauty behind glasses which she clearly does n't need , try to minimise the beauty of her splendid hair , and also try to detract attention from what I clearly recall is a figure of delightful shape and proportions ? ’
2 ‘ No , not at all , ’ he agreed with another twinkle .
3 He called with another gentleman .
4 He answered with another question .
5 ‘ A few marks there , ’ he said with another nod .
6 On his journey , he travelled with another Englishman .
7 He reappeared with another box , identical to the first .
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