Example sentences of "he [verb] that he have " in BNC.

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1 He disclosed that he had delivered a letter from Saddam Hussein to Rafsanjani in Tehran on Feb. 8 containing the Iraqi President 's formal reply to the latest Iranian proposals .
2 He realised that he 'd opened up a can of worms .
3 Shortly before he was due to deliver that speech on Wednesday — a Burkeian lecture on economic growth and greenery — he realised that he had put some of his best lines in the draft for the Prime Minister 's speech .
4 Herr Nordern 's temper was n't improved when , having caught the S-Bahn , he realised that he had left his book of tickets in his other Jacket .
5 As he left the café he realised that he had forgotten to look at Elsie 's feet .
6 Before he expected , his feet met blocks of stone , and he realised that he had come to the edge of the great sprawling tip of the infill .
7 He realised that he had not thought of it before as detention .
8 He realised that he had been foolish to risk the search alone , but there was no turning back .
9 ‘ Mama — ’ Gratitude rushed up in him ; he realised that he had not always considered her , had taken her for granted , had consulted her in nothing ; and now she had probably saved his reason .
10 Instantly , fear welled up in him again , and he realised that he had walked into a trap .
11 It was late in the afternoon when he realised that he had eaten nothing since breakfast , and he was about to go out into the town in search of a restaurant when the telephone rang .
12 When nothing happened , and he realised that he had come to a place without facilities , he retired for another consultation .
13 His fingernails were broken and bloody from when he had thrown himself at the door and torn at it , in the moment when he realised that he had been shut into the stall , and what was going to happen next .
14 Becker 's case was notable because he was captured by the widely-circulated photographs , but he argued that he had intended only to fire a warning shot .
15 He argued that he has to persist with his Euro flops as he tries to qualify for the World Cup .
16 As his eyes fell on the crucifix he realized that he 'd always loathed it , and in a small gesture of defiance he lifted it off its hook and set it down on top of the filing cabinet .
17 It was only when it shut with a rusty creak that he realized that he had company .
18 His heart thudded and he realized that he had begun to breathe faster , with excitement .
19 It was some time before he realized that he had been fooled .
20 He realized that he had to watch every word , that he had to edit with great caution , crossing out , interpolating , amending .
21 But he had used their bathroom and was back in bed again before he realized that he had forgotten to look at his daughter .
22 Hank tossed a packet over to him , and he had lit one before he realized that he had not known that his son smoked .
23 As he waited he realized that he had not felt such keen anticipation and happiness since he had served in the front line at Magdeburg .
24 Herol Graham 's case is a useful one to follow through for , in his fourth year at school , he realized that he had ‘ left it too late ’ and pinpointed one of the causes :
25 As Moore looked into those eyes , he realized that he had seen that look before .
26 He realized that he had just murmured something under his breath .
27 Perhaps , as Debré suggests , he realized that he had now become a prisoner of his own institutions , President de Gaulle instead of General de Gaulle .
28 Mr Cossiga 's televised remarks , in which he announced that he had no intention of accepting a cabinet reshuffle and might even call an early election , caused a political storm .
29 On June 3rd he announced that he had become head of state , prime minister and chief of the armed forces .
30 He announced that he had resigned in accordance with a recent party proposal providing for an income and wealth ceiling for those holding leadership posts .
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