Example sentences of "he [verb] i [adv] he " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I did n't know who he was , either , but he asked me where he could find you , and I told him I did n't know , and he said ‘ Are you new too ? ’ and then you arrived and … ’
2 When I submitted our first Report to Mr Baker he asked me how he should explain what was meant by Standard English to the education journalists .
3 He was married , you see , but he told me today he 'd left his wife .
4 He told me when he gave me this one . ’
5 He told me when he was dying .
6 He told me how he had been deceived by a young man who claimed to be the son of a banker , and he had lost money in a gambling casino because he believed the con artist .
7 As time went on the comments became less encouraging and more accusing , so that at the age of forty-five , in my study , he told me how he felt a failure and as a Christian unable to understand God as a God of love .
8 He told me how he had had problems when young and had assumed that upon his marriage , he would break the habit .
9 I 've never been the same since he told me how he hated fey women .
10 He told me how he worked his candy or piece of common-yard , dividing it into two by a path , and growing wheat on one side and vegetables on the other , changing over the crops each year .
11 He told me how he 'd been conned three times that week by people who took ten-quid rides , then said they had n't any cash but offered to leave a watch with him while they went inside ( usually a block of flats ) to get some dosh .
12 Then he showed me why he needed me .
13 He showed me how he gets his ‘ haze ’ effect .
14 Indeed , had he told me where he went and with whom on the evenings he spent away from the attic , I should have felt less vulnerable : it was secrecy itself I found hostile .
15 We went out for a meal , and when he took me home he wanted to come in .
16 I pick up the scissors because I 'm alone in the shop and if he touches me again he 'll leave without something he came in with , when the bell goes on the door and this other boy in a city suit comes in , boring yuppie sort .
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