Example sentences of "he [verb] be [adj] of " in BNC.

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1 Once upon a time , long ago , there was a rich merchant who thought that the city where he lived was full of bad people , and especially bad children . ’
2 As we have seen , a waiter at a hotel implies that the wine he offers is that of the hotel and not his own : Doukas , above , and in Silverman there was an implied representation that a quote was fair in the circumstances of mutual trust .
3 Secondly , there are problems where the decision-maker is interested in the result of an inquiry or investigation , not in any personal sense , but because the institution which he represents is desirous of attaining a certain objective .
4 When Glass bought his house , the area where he lives was full of crack dealers so he does not scare easily .
5 Everything he writes is Jewish in the sense that everything he writes is conscious of the Jewish faith , if that can be said without relinquishing the thought that there are such persons as unbelieving Jews .
6 He has been one of the Legislative Council 's most diligent members , a demanding enough job ; he accepted China 's offer of a seat on the Basic Law Drafting Committee , helping to write Hong Kong 's post-1997 mini-constitution , and was embroiled in more unsuccessful arguments for direct elections , opposed by mainland communists and Hong Kong conservatives .
7 Hallas , 21 , missed an entire season two years ago with glandular fever and has started only 60 games for Hull KR , though he has been one of their mainstays .
8 He has been one of the inspirations behind the anti-EC Conservative European Reform Group .
9 But that 's nothing compared to his previous existences — he has been one of the 12 priests who murdered Queen Nefertiti 's husband , a minor Basque priest in the last century , and Ivan the Terrible .
10 And he enjoyed picnics ; in the Guide he recounts how one day during a drive up Little Langdale and home by Dungeon Ghyll , ‘ the cloth was laid on the green grass , for that was the table : the cold collation was next produced from the carts , and the writer , though he has been one of many , has seldom witnessed more cheerful gipsyings .
11 He has been one of Diana 's closest confidants during the difficult years of her rocky marriage .
12 Mr Skokov has rarely spoken in public ( in his three years in parliament , he did not make a single speech ) , yet he has been one of Russia 's most influential politicians .
13 He has been one of the very few Serbs to have the courage to speak out against the kind of fanatical Serbian nationalism which has led to the present war .
14 He has been one of the driving forces behind Musselburgh 's revival and had it not been for his stout efforts earlier in the season , the Stoneyhill club would never have been in the promotion challenge .
15 In the case of a thief , he will find he has been relieved of his own purse when he finally manages to jettison his passenger .
16 But the discharge may be refused or postponed if he has been guilty of certain offences or misconduct in connection with the bankruptcy , or if his assets are insufficient for the payment of 50p in the £ , unless this is shown not to be due to the debtor 's fault .
17 Although we can not go into the technicalities of Ohmann 's method , it is worth mentioning that the apparatus he used was that of an earlier version of Transformational Grammar , one which subsequently underwent profound modifications . "
18 He had slipped up in using Tweed 's name because it had sounded as though he 'd been one of the casualties .
19 Yet Jezrael knew he 'd been one of them for longer than she 'd been on Mars .
20 In fact , he 'd been one of two warders who had escorted Derek Bentley from the condemned cell to the hangman on January 281953 .
21 There was no logical reason why they should add to the vague tension he 'd been conscious of all day .
22 He 'd been conscious of her in the old days of course , although he kept quiet about that .
23 If he 'd been wary of placing too much trust in her , she 'd been openly sceptical about him , right from their first meeting .
24 At the Court of Appeal today , Rachael 's solicitor explained that he 'd been frightened of losing the children , and that for several weeks before the killing he 'd been taking medication for depression .
25 When the boy had first come to the house he 'd been more of a child and had naturally been treated as a child .
26 On his previous visit he 'd been full of gushing enthusiasm , trying to banish , or at least mask , the strange sense of unease it evoked .
27 He 'd been full of hostility , she recalled , when he 'd said , ‘ How the hell , in the short time you 've been here , you 've earned the name Miss Frostbite beats me . ’
28 ‘ Hi , Cameron , ’ he said , and I knew then he 'd been aware of me all the time .
29 Leo was probably fun to be with , a great companion , a good friend , she thought , then gave a wry chagrined smile as he turned towards her as though he 'd been aware of her presence all along — and she might have known he would n't do anything so obliging as to walk off .
30 Such sharing of the superego constitutes what we call religion ; and the particular religious form which he assumed was that of the animal totem , a choice appropriate in the new hunting culture and a consequence of the fact that the primal father had been the last of the truly animal hominids .
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