Example sentences of "he [verb] [adv prt] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Or if there is , he turns out to be impossible to live with , ’ she says .
2 Nine times out of 10 , however improbably , he turns out to be right .
3 He turns out to be right .
4 ‘ If he turns out to be a feeder for the kidnappers , ’ explained the Captain , ‘ he 'd be too easy to replace if we showed any interest in him . ’
5 But he turns out to be a devastatingly good campaigner .
6 He might look 17 going on 23 but , even if he turns out to be nearly as old as he appears , it will not render the three wickets he took on his debut as void .
7 Windeler said , ‘ What if he turns out to be working for the Americans ? ’
8 ‘ If he turns out to be like Kenny , then great .
9 If he turns out to be half as good as David then he 'll be a very good batsman indeed . ’
10 His counterpart in ‘ Pride and Prejudice ’ — George Wickham — stands also for the rejection of society 's standards , but he turns out to be a rake and a liar — a totally unsuitable match for any of the Longbourne girls .
11 Regis equalled Christie 's 20.09sec British record as he clung on to be second behind America 's Mike Marsh .
12 First , the murdered man : he turned out to be a student at the Petrine Agricultural Academy , and his name was Ivanov .
13 One fan sang along and plucked at an imaginary guitar , but he turned out to be the roadie .
14 With his entrepreneurial skills , and his international connections , he seemed for a time the man most likely to lead the British film industry away from its artisanal base , but he turned out to be no more responsive than anyone else to developments that were going to make things very difficult for the pioneers .
15 He turned out to be a friend of the musicians and , within a year , she was launched on her disastrous marriage .
16 The debt problem was solved by someone he hardly knew paying his debt and Seawright was elected to the Assembly where he turned out to be a thorn in the DUP 's flesh .
17 He turned out to be a Hollywood producer .
18 On another occasion , the flat rented by a suspected investigator was occupied by protesters ; he turned out to be a geologist working on a completely different project .
19 When I accosted the scoundrel , he turned out to be completely different Colin Chapman , up to his neck in sound bites .
20 Unfortunately , he turned out to be a waster and dissipated his fortune before dying young .
21 To her amazement ( and do doubt his ) he turned out to be her miscreant husband .
22 They caught a suspicious individual one evening , and turned him over to the police ; but he turned out to be a frightened bilberry-picker who had lost his way .
23 He turned out to be a bone expert who suggested a new drug for Pauline , 36 .
24 He turned out to be an inspector of taxes with whom I had been conducting a mini back-duty enquiry and which was in the concluding stages .
25 And I thought Grandson Richard was some special person and he turned out to be a human who sings when he wets himself — ‘
26 Whatever her intentions , he turned out to be a good old-fashioned liberal .
27 He turned out to be an elderly ex-colonel , who was tracked down to his retirement home in Surrey .
28 ‘ I thought he was French , ’ said Emily , ‘ but he turned out to be Corsican . ’
29 Werner 's " General " turned out to be the commander of the armed forces in southern Celebes — a figure whom we would normally have done our utmost to avoid , given his political power and our absence of filming permits , but he turned out to be an exuberantly friendly man who never asked for them .
30 He turned out to be an efficient chairman of the BBC but my first impression was amply confirmed since , although I had frequent dealings with him , he seemed to have absolutely no interest in what to me really mattered .
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