Example sentences of "he [verb] [vb pp] [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The England captain is a level-headed man , and Javed Mianded , who turns 35 on June 12 , is a much matured person with the added responsibility of leading his team to England for the first time , although he has captained Pakistan in 28 previous Tests , winning 11 and losing five , the rest being drawn .
2 He has represented Wales on the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons for England and Wales , and as chairman of the Welsh Board of the Royal College of Surgeons .
3 Because he is a servant of God , he has served Christ as an apostle and missionary .
4 He has ruled Panama since General Torrijos 's mysterious death in a plane crash in 1981 .
5 But he has hated Paul for what happened to Johnny .
6 He created several gardens on the Continent , including Villa Maryland and Villa Rosemary in the south of France ; but his crowning glory must be at Iford , where he has brought Italy to Wiltshire and set it tumbling down the hanger , in a series of steep paths , steps , and terraces where colonnades , cloisters , fountains and well-heads abound .
7 He has taken Britain into negative growth , rising unemployment and falling output .
8 In the 13 years since Montague broke away from Cables Montague , his father 's trucking company , he has taken Tiphook to pole position in the European container leasing business — a complementary , and vastly bigger , business than trailer leasing — and to second place in the world market behind General Electric subsidiary Genstar .
9 He has snuck Keith into the dressing room , into the stadium , and held the ball while Keith achieved his deepest wish .
10 His batting oozes responsibility and time and time again he has ushered Essex through scary run chases or guided England with equal zeal in both rearguards and assaults .
11 His batting oozes responsibility and time and time again he has ushered Essex through scary run chases or guided England with equal zeal in both rearguards and assaults .
12 John went over to Mosquito Island where he has established James for a few days with a government tent , man and fitting-up .
13 Rangers boss Walter Smith admitted he has had Gordon in mind since Trevor Steven moved to the centre of the midfield at the start of the season .
14 He has surprised Becker by announcing that he will forgo the French Open next June in order to prepare for Wimbledon , the one major championship to have eluded him .
15 And I heard Monks say that he 'd seen Oliver in the street , and that he knew at once Oliver was the child he was looking for , although I could n't hear why .
16 He 'd seen Barry on his BMX .
17 When he 'd said he 'd seen Stephen at the funeral she 'd felt afraid of him for a moment .
18 Ken said — he came for Sunday lunch now , often with his stepdaughter but without his wife , who felt awkward in Ellen 's presence — that it reminded him of a kitten he 'd given Wendy on the day she gave birth to Apricot .
19 He 'd asked Amanda to lunch once , then again , and finally he had sounded her out , not minding the way she 'd sized him up , considering .
20 When we broke for coffee I asked him whether he 'd consulted Laura about the references I 'd turned up .
21 She did not like the way he 'd dismissed Nathan in order to talk to her .
22 He said he 'd met Oliver in the florist 's round the corner on his way to the station .
23 He 'd met Elaine on several trips around the island which Christina had arranged , including a hilarious afternoon when the three of them decided to try out the hotel 's water sports and attempted to learn to water-ski after too many rum sours at the Reef Bar .
24 Suddenly he thumped the arm of his chair with his fist , remembering all the times he 'd caught Stella on the stairs in the middle of the night , staring at the telephone .
25 I knew he 'd fought James on it tooth and nail , and though in all honesty I felt I 'd won him round to some extent since , the prejudices remained beneath the surface of benignity , waiting only for some unwary blunder on my part to crack the surface and let them burst through .
26 He blushed to think of how shamelessly he 'd paraded himself when he 'd had Judith on his arm ; how he 'd joked that she loved him for his cleanliness , and for his taste in bidets .
27 Jed had seen a street in Westwood that was called Success Avenue , and he 'd told Mitch about it .
28 Er when we last did the work there in nineteen eighty nine he 'd , he 'd provided Gwyneth with three machines which they moved round and put on different places for us .
29 Why should n't he have fabricated McCloy as a neat little red herring ? ’
30 Franco knew that Yagüe would show the enemy no mercy ; that was why he had deployed Yagüe with the Legion in Asturias , in 1934 , and that was why he repeated the tactic in 1936 .
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