Example sentences of "he [verb] [pers pn] in the " in BNC.

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1 When I left in December 1928 he succeeded me in the house as Captain of Games .
2 George knelt on gravel , and taking the knife more firmly in his hand he stabbed her in the stomach .
3 Mr Denny said : ‘ He then told her to put her clothes back on but out of the blue he stabbed her in the neck .
4 He collared her in the staff-room at eleven-thirty .
5 And said , so it 's completely anonymous and all that and he said oh I ca n't be bothered to send that in , so he chucked it in the bin and they phoned him up and said why have n't you sent your form in ?
6 ‘ Donald is desperately ill ! ’ was the first thing she said , as he met her in the hall .
7 He met her in the doorway .
8 When he met him in the office , or on the stairs , his habitually offensive glance seemed to have a new dimension of thoughtfulness .
9 He met us in the hacienda courtyard dressed in white shirt , white jodhpurs and black riding boots .
10 He restoreth my soul : he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name 's sake .
11 And he gets the spade and hits her on the head with it and he goes , I never want to talk to you again and he kicks her in the head .
12 Unfortunately he phoned him in the middle of the night .
13 He found her in the parlour , doing nothing , seated with her pale skirts spread about her .
14 He found him in the station buffet slouched against the counter eating toasted tea-cakes .
15 The scene of crime officer kept looking at him , as if he found him in the way but did not know how to say so .
16 I have argued elsewhere that Pound was prepared to take instruction , as well as to give it ; that when he first came to London in 1908 , he was looking for masters to whom he might apprentice himself ; that he found them in the Irishman W.B. Yeats and the maverick Englishman Ford Madox Ford ( whose professionalism about writing still denies him in England the recognition that he gets abroad ) ; and ( so I have speculated , though I know it can not be proved ) that Pound sought the same relationship with another Englishman , Laurence Binyon , who was too cagey to go along with the idea .
17 ‘ Mac , ’ as of course he was known , would promise to bring down the wrath of almighty God on them if he found them in the Trocadero , Elephant and Castle , when they should be ‘ capable of , and available for work , ’ as one had to be in those days .
18 My text here is Evans-Pritchard 's unrivalled study of the witchcraft beliefs of the Zande people of the southern Sudan as he found them in the late 1920S and early 1930S living under the generally benign rule of the British raj .
19 He found it in the fact that the State , ‘ united for once in spirit ’ and ‘ with the fervent consent of the people of every land subject to the rule of our King ’ had entered on an arduous conflict , not for territory or glory but ‘ for the sake of enforcing the plainest rules of international justice and the plainest dictates of common humanity ’ .
20 But I could n't get the door shut to lock him in and he caught me in the other cellar .
21 Though my son , that 's my eldest , in the Royal Navy , wrote that he has them in the Pacific . ’
22 ‘ Buck thinks he has it in the bag , but there 's a long way to go yet . ’
23 He cast me in the role of a sort of footballing Dick Whittington , and took down the vases from the mantelpiece to represent my stepping-stones to fame , ’ Bastin recalls .
24 She is told that if she catches sight of him when he visits her in the darkness , he will leave her .
25 Why do I need him to stay here when he weakens me in the way an earthquake undermines a city ?
26 He approached me in the Limes Club in Sheffield and said if I signed with him , he would fill my book and raise my fee — a promise which he fulfilled .
27 He stopped her in the corridor , and told her what to do .
28 Hudson , who had played the most fluently for his 30 from 54 balls , was caught behind trying to cut Harper , who was also rewarded with the wicket of Rushmere when he beat him in the flight .
29 Then , before she realised what was happening , he fastened her in the double stirrups , binding her hands and feet .
30 But even if your romantic beau whispers ‘ I love you ’ daily in your shell-like , it does n't mean that he loves you in the way that you love him .
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