Example sentences of "he [verb] [adv] [vb pp] time " in BNC.

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1 And I think I think the reconciliation what he 's actually saying is he has n't got time to recheck those reconciliations before this weekend 's deadline that 's what it appears to be .
2 Well Harold was supposed to be , he has n't got time .
3 However , that is not an accusation that I could level at the Leader of the Opposition , as he has not found time to say anything at all about the environment — true or false .
4 The person brought up in the city who has a natural and instinctive knowledge of the curative properties of herbs and wild flowers ; the person who experiences déjà vu or the one who seems to recognize a ‘ stranger ’ although the two have never met before ; the person born with talents he has not had time to acquire — is it not a possible explanation of the genius of such prodigies as Mozart that he actually brought with him skills and talents he had learnt in a previous lifetime ?
5 He surfaced , briefly , but the swell rolled him over and drove him down again before he 'd even had time to draw breath .
6 Of course , he 'd never had time to make friends .
7 He 'd obviously spent time here , perhaps as much as he could spare before their marriage .
8 He 'd obviously taken time over building up this little booklet explaining the stuff .
9 He had also found time to make some coffee .
10 It had been too speedily initiated for he had not had time to construct anything at all plausible .
11 She could never understand what he did with it , where it went — he had not had time for … that other life of his , he had been with Bert , with Jack !
12 He had not had time to compare more than a few paragraphs scattered throughout each text , but he had seen enough to know that their contents were practically identical .
13 He had scarcely had time to draw the curtains when there was a small , familiar tap at the door .
14 The man has ninety-one previous convictions , but was released because he had already spent time in jail on remand .
15 The man has ninety-one previous convictions , but was released because he had already spent time in jail on remand .
16 The heads reported an increase in the level of job satisfaction that they had experienced due to devolution — although one said he had n't had time to think about it !
17 The evening before he had procured from the local library a copy of Gerald Seymour-Strachey 's essay in autobiography , but a quick flick through the index had assured him there was no mention of Walter Machin , and he had n't had time to bone up on the details of the man himself 's career .
18 He had n't had time to let it go . ’
19 never went to me spare bit of paper probably eventually but he had n't got time for that .
20 The contents of Steinitz 's attics which the dealer claimed he had never had time to inspect comprising all manner of junk and broken pieces of furniture , occupied the weekend of 23–24 May and visibly left Tajan wishing he had never bothered .
21 He 's hardly got time to revise much cos he 's so tired !
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