Example sentences of "he [verb] [pron] at all " in BNC.

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1 Erm he has nothing at all because he 's never been married to you .
2 At common law , if the court found that the plaintiff was partially to blame for his injuries , he received nothing at all .
3 ‘ Has he said anything at all ? ’
4 Had Nigel noticed she 'd left , or had n't he missed her at all ?
5 ‘ He looks better , it 's true , but some days he eats nothing at all , and other days he eats just like a healthy boy .
6 I think on balance I mi I my advice is that we do nothing , just wait and see if whether he contacts you at all .
7 A quick glance at him showed her that he thought nothing at all of a drive like this , clinging to the mountainside and driving much too fast .
8 But he was never heard to say what he thought ( if , indeed , he thought anything at all ) about this vast amount of random detail he must have accumulated in his later years .
9 Does he mean anything at all by it ?
10 On the face of it , it seemed that she was gaining Ana 's confidence , but then Felipe already had her confidence and he knew nothing at all about her blindness .
11 ‘ Why did he mention me at all ? ’
12 He brought nothing at all into the marriage , and the family wanted nothing to do with him .
13 The unexpected shock of this letter produced in Coleridge a ‘ waking Night-mair of Spirits ’ , and brought a sudden realization of the true state of his feelings for Sara : he felt nothing at all .
14 Her memoirs formed the inspiration for the film ‘ The King and I ’ , although Thomson 's portraits of the King show that he looked nothing at all like Yul Brynner .
15 He means nothing at all , ’ his mother had intervened , ‘ except that you 've upset him .
16 If he moves it at all — the elbow , that is — it wo n't set properly , and he 'll be no good at football , ever .
17 Had he loved her at all ?
18 A man like Luke had no need to force his attentions on unwilling women — and he had nothing at all in common with her ex-fiancé .
19 First of all I never hear it any more on the continent I ca n't seem to hear the radio , you hear some , you know , put on the radio and you have a , Brussels already , he had nothing at all .
20 Archbishop Hugh of Lyons was the outstanding advocate and example of this policy in the last quarter of the eleventh century , and whatever influence he may have had on Anselm 's later political vocabulary , he had none at all in this matter .
21 ‘ I do n't think he does it at all , ’ said Betty .
22 But he said nothing at all .
23 But her gaze was beyond words ; even if he said nothing at all , she could read him with ease .
24 He said nothing at all , as yet , but very eloquently .
25 Marguerite 's rush of words almost drowned out Alain 's harsh intake of breath , but he said nothing at all as Marguerite went on , ‘ Now I know why you could not stay longer .
26 He said nothing at all about his angry chase after her and nothing about her fear .
27 She looked up into the haughty face but he said nothing at all .
28 He said nothing at all and she averted her face , staring out of the window , hoping he had n't noticed .
29 She did n't mind if he said nothing at all , as long as they could walk along like this under a starlit sky , arm in arm forever .
30 As Branson would have been the first to acknowledge , common sense dictated that he avoid it at all costs .
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