Example sentences of "he [verb] [verb] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The new renown of Walter Machin and the heady publicity which had resulted for the town in which he lived had suggested to the Arts Club committee ( a mixture of the local genteel and the local far left ) that a retrospective of the work of his stepson might neatly capitalize on the widespread interest .
2 In a radio address on 24 May , for example , he announced three major categories of reform , which he expected to see accomplished before the end of the year : reform of the civil service ; nationalization of the coal , electricity , and banking industries ; and a plan to boost France 's birthrate .
3 In his haste to get away he grated the gears and the wheels shrieked in protest when he failed to balance the-changeover between clutch and accelerator .
4 He admitted failing to comply with a red signal and was fined £50 , had three penalty points imposed on his licence and was ordered to pay £20 costs .
5 He admitted going equipped for theft , another burglary and asked for four similar offences to be taken into consideration .
6 A chartered surveyor , he talked himself into the chairmanship of the Conservative backbench environment committee and in 1987 he tried to curb gazumping by a system of forfeits .
7 When it became clear I was a success he tried to get rid of me permanently .
8 IBM Corp 's quest for a new chief executive appears to be narrowing , but you pays your money and you takes your choice when it comes to drawing up a list of front-runners — US PC Week reckons that the company will go for a chairman from outside and suggests Paul Stern and Perot Systems Corp chairman Morton Meyerson as the front-runners , with an internal chief executive , putting its money on Ellen Hancock and Bernard Puckett , but the Reuter shortlist is quite different , and has Lawrence Bossidy , chairman of Allied-Signal Corp out front , saying he has visited Armonk at least three or four times , Paul Stern is in there again , and John Sculley is back in the picture , with one source quoted as saying ‘ The rumour is that Sculley is acting quite disinterested , but his travel plans include going to the East Coast quite a bit ; ’ Reuter 's other possible contender is Michael Armstrong , who left only last year .
9 The economic issues that he has menioned exist in many other countries and have implications for our position .
10 To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what representations he has received calling for the introduction of internment without trial ; and if he will make a statement .
11 The terms of the motion may not be welcome to all hon. Members , but what he has to say deserves to be aired and I hope that the House will ensure that he has an opportunity to make his point today .
12 ‘ No , Father , neither do I. He has gone creeping about us like a very sick man since that night , in horror of his own act .
13 He has gone missing on previous occasions but he has always returned within a short time .
14 And she said he has to go trotting to Exeter two or three times a week now .
15 The practical point , of course , is never to parade all the facts at the beginning but to use them as a military commander might unleash the cavalry squadrons he has kept hidden below the brow of the hill .
16 After the rejection of those complaints , he has decided to apply to the European Commission alleging breaches of privacy under article 8 of the human rights convention .
17 Mr Fallon enjoys his job schools minister so much he has asked to remain in the Department of Education and Science if he wins the Darlington seat .
18 " He has asked to do at least two details at night and if anyone falls sick he will ask to do a third and even a fourth .
19 Those four little letters could cost Hardee more than the walkouts he has grown used to .
20 He has stayed to deal with them , but still believes God means him to go at some point .
21 Jip tells of something he has seen written on a wall : ‘ If the human brain was simple enough for us to understand we 'd be so simple we could n't ’ ( 88 ) .
22 SIR — Just what thought-processes are assumed to make the floating voter more inclined to support party leaders whom he has seen flanked by what the newspapers call ‘ glitterati ’ — celebrities , that is , of stage , screen , pop concerts , running , jumping and playing ball games ?
23 But in a strange way he has done wonders for our social life .
24 In this case , the Secretary of State has today issued a public statement disputing various parts of the report in The Independent and he has sought to quote from other aspects of the internal review which he has said is so far confidential .
25 Many are the times he has held up busy working schedules because he has become fascinated by someone he has encountered in a crowd .
26 He has become addicted to gambling , you see .
27 But if the expenses in question are payable out of income to which the beneficiary has already become entitled , the expenses are not a proper deduction from the beneficiary 's total income , since they represent simply the mode in which he applies his income after he has become entitled to it .
28 For the last month he has relished driving through the cold and the foggy damp from his Nottingham home to the Headingley indoor nets a few days a week for practice with the rest of the England team .
29 It 's the only thing he has offered to pay for .
30 When the Minister replied in Committee to our amendments and proposed new clauses , he said — as he has tended to say throughout the passage of the Bill — that the Government can take to themselves the power to give certain safeguards .
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