Example sentences of "on which the [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The premise on which the donors worked was that large amounts of capital could be absorbed by small African countries because their need for productive investment was demonstrably high .
2 Some changes may be natural , such as those in the flow and direction of ocean currents , which can affect the distribution of the small pelagic fish or fish fry on which the birds depend .
3 Dr Vickery found that there appeared to be a critical acidity level which affected both dippers ' breeding success and a stream 's population of the invertebrates on which the birds feed .
4 Early word uses , as well as later ones , provide insight into children 's hypotheses about word meanings and the conceptual categories on which the hypotheses appear to be based ( e.g. , Clark , 1983b ; Donaldson and McGarrigle , 1974 ) .
5 He hated his body , the scrawny legs on which the kneecaps protruded like deformities , the small blinking eyes too closely set , the sparse beard which could n't disguise the weakness of the mouth and chin .
6 The issue of whether breach of the CSA 1985 will provide a basis for liability in tort for breach of statutory duty is one on which the courts have not yet been asked to decide .
7 However , no occasion has yet arisen on which the courts have had an opportunity to demonstrate the Convention as having practical effect in this aspect .
8 It is history now how he followed that perfectly shaped tee shot by greening a sumptuous 4-iron — only to lose out to Nick Faldo 's answering birdie as the Open champion holed a 15-footer on which the engines had cut out long before it dropped .
9 He said : ‘ Having regard to the terms of the correspondence , I am of opinion that the letters were intended to set out , and did set out , matters on which the writers had reached agreement . ’
10 But an epidemic of sylvatic plague has reduced the population of prairie dogs , on which the ferrets feed , and made the site unsuitable .
11 This is what happens in the cases of textbook transmission that I referred to earlier : the teacher is required only to put into operation ideas which have already been realized as materials and is given no guidance in the evaluation of the validity of the principles on which the materials have been designed even when these principles are clear to the textbook writers themselves .
12 Social issues were not prominent in the election campaign , with the exception of education , on which the Nonconformists waged a determined anti-Conservative campaign , and land reform , The Liberal government did not come into office committed to a clear social reform policy .
13 The faction still wanting their own building on the workhouse grounds continued to press their case , but were finally defeated by the local government board , which raised serious objections concerning the terms on which the guardians held the land and the details of the proposed building .
14 Michael Green draws attention to the fact that the Gospels represent an entirely new literary form , which was neither history , nor biography , but a highly selective weaving together of fragments using preaching and teaching ‘ arranged in order to show what sort of person Jesus was , to give the evidence on which the disciples had followed him and had adjudged him the Messiah and Son of God , and by the strongest possible implication , challenge the readers to make the same act of faith in Christ as they themselves had done ’ ( Green 1970:229 , 230 ) .
15 The standard commissions on which the agents have relied for their income are shown in Table 11.12 .
16 But , largely thanks to uncontrolled hunting , there are now only around 60,000 other animals , including deer , on which the tigers prey — about one-fifth of the number required .
17 Phosphates in the water , from agricultural run-off and discharge from sewage works , provide nutrients on which the algae thrive .
18 In thesimpler organisms , the feedback signal goes back to the boundaries on which the stimuli impinge .
19 In the oviposited flowers , the ovules are stimulated to produce only endosperm on which the larvae feed , a process not unlike more exposed gall formation in other plants .
20 Much of the vegetation on which the animals depend has been wiped out by the drought .
21 A useful technique to employ in such situations is to carry out a pasture larval count on the field on which the animals had been grazing .
22 In the chair before his desk , on which the pictures lay , Skaller was sitting with his hands in front of his eyes .
23 At the end of the 11th round on Aug. 7 , Burt admitted that " no major achievements ' had been made but claimed that there had been " solid progress ' on all issues except those relating to space weapons on which the sides remained " too far apart " .
24 Among the various choices available to electors in different countries are the following : they may vote for one candidate , or a specified number of candidates , or for as many candidates as there are members to be elected ; they may cumulate two votes on one candidate ; they may cast votes on more than one list ; presented with lists on which the parties have arranged the candidates in an order of preference they can change that order .
25 Nevertheless , it is only proper to recognise that this is the ground on which the parties have chosen to engage , and to approach the arguments accordingly .
26 Save that the court would obviously not countenance terms which are nonsensical , the court is not concerned with the terms on which the parties have agreed .
27 Experts settle issues on which the parties have not taken defined positions : where the parties have taken defined positions , which become " disputes " or " ( formulated ) disputes " , the referee must be an arbitrator : see 15.5 .
28 The notion that a " formulated dispute " ( ie an issue on which the parties have taken defined positions ) is necessary to make the valuer or expert into an arbitrator is deep-rooted .
29 But the one market on which the auctioneers had come to depend nearly collapsed : Latin American art bought by rich Latins .
30 SUBSIDENCE and/or HEAVE of the site on which the buildings stand and/or LANDSLIP excluding
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