Example sentences of "on the [noun prp] at the " in BNC.

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1 Robert Myle built one such tower on the Shore at the corner of Tower Street in 1685 .
2 Youngest son Alexander , 22 months , had the same operation as his brother on the NHS at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle in January .
3 None the less , given the pressures on the BEA at the time , it is perhaps understandable that in the early years speed ( which proved elusive ) and reliability ( which they achieved ) were given priority over efficiency and economy .
4 Years before , when Valery Giscard d'Estaing was minister if finance , he had been among those to call on the Shah at the Villa Suvretta in St Moritz .
5 He had already told me on the Friday at the training session , and in front of about 20 of the lads , that I was n't in the team .
6 He had been in charge of situations for the previous half century , since he had commanded guns on the Barham at the Battle of Jutland , as a midshipman , in the First World War .
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