Example sentences of "on the [noun sg] but [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Safety campaigns aimed solely at pedestrians are not sufficient in view of the fact that a substantial proportion of pedestrians are struck by vehicles and killed or injured , not on the road but on the pavement .
2 Okoye has endeared himself to team-mates and fans not only through his play on the field but through his incredibly modest behaviour off it .
3 There is a lot of money to be won this week and people should earn it not only on the course but off it as well . ’
4 Oh it looked good on the surface but underneath it was dark and peaceful .
5 And so to take examples among longer poems a new kind of satire , Dryden 's Absalom and Achitophel , is in fact a mock-epic , attacking and yet leaning for support upon Milton 's Paradise Lost ; even the extremely violent novelty of T. S. Eliot 's The Waste Land reminds us of a Renaissance or Arthurian version of its text , which is rarely present on the surface but against which the poem reverberates and resounds most deeply .
6 Becoming a member and shareholder on an issue by a private company ( or a closely-held public company whose shares are not listed or dealt in on the U.S.M. ) is subject to the same legal requirements of agreement plus entry on the register but in practice both will be achieved with less formality and , in the case of private companies , without the issue of allotment letters .
7 It 'll be be much more straightforward when they 've got the whole thing on the computer but at the moment it 's a transitional phase .
8 In order to produce their results , they need to use the microcomputer and the equipment and the focus is therefore , not on the keyboard but on the screen .
9 There was a different rug on the floor but without the fire on it 's much warmer to curl up on a human .
10 It 's bad enough with er Collimore and Hill wrestling on the floor but without the goalkeeper coming and getting involved .
11 A Muse sits on a rock , and Apollo before her stands not on the base-line but on an irregular indication of ground just clear of it .
12 By 1952 , however , the attention of ‘ pro-Europeans ’ was focused not on the ECSC but on the European Defence Community ( EDC ) .
13 They had to travel over extremely bad terrain on the way but by 13 December they were in place .
14 Were n't redheads all ice on the thatch but with a red-hot fire burning in the hearth ?
15 The first reaches a long ledge ( not on the route but on the landward face ) approximately 60ft ( 18m ) above the base .
16 And if that seems an unfair comparison , think of Middlesbrough ICI 's works and gas storage towers may be on the horizon but at least there is Victoria Park with its lawns and flower beds in front of the town hall , and grassland in front of the new court complex .
17 At low tide you can cross the bays on the beach but at high tide you have to go inland , a lot further round so timing is important — we got it wrong once or twice !
18 There is no conclusive case on the point but in Ogwo v Taylor [ 1987 ] 2 WLR , Brown LJ ( obiter ) was of the opinion that where a fireman was injured fighting a fire at the defendant 's premises , which was not due to a defect in the premises , the Act had no application .
19 CHC had been saying for a long time , and it seemed to be falling on deaf ears that a date should be set for the closure of Friern and that money should not be spent on the hospital but on services in the community .
20 Sand dunes are often the highest elevation not just on the coast but for miles inland .
21 A Dangerous Man — Lawrence After Arabia looks at the maverick hero not on the battlefield but in London and Paris after World War I.
22 He had worked most assiduously on the design but on finding that his style was not to Palmerston 's taste he would , in conformity with the statement made in Parliament , make another design , which he trusted ‘ would be more fortunate ’ .
23 For seven percent there were no limitations on what they were able to do on the farm but for the rest there were one or more limiting factors .
24 T. B. By yourself normally on the beat but on Saturday night till midnight , you had to go in pairs , like in Gerrard Street , where they did n't like a bobby .
25 The first phases of the campaign were exclusively naval operations , since it had been assumed by the British War Cabinet and the French that a naval force could not only bombard and destroy the Turkish forts on the peninsula but in some way occupy Constantinople .
26 Do a picture , do , do like a series of pictures , yeah , but it 's concentrating on the face but like the eyes and just try and capture a different personality from different looks of the eyes .
27 He heard him speak some words , but he could n't make out what they were ; he then saw him bend and kiss her , not on the cheek but on the lips .
28 There was usually a clergyman in the house ; Nicholas was brought up not only on the Bible but on Foxe 's account of the martyrdom of his ancestor Bishop Ferrar under Queen Mary .
29 In the beginning , only coal was transported on the line but by 1814 passengers were being conveyed from Kilmarnock to the coast at Troon , at weekends and on holidays .
30 But they are not only to be seen on the street but within the mind 's eye itself : the mental set has changed in the post-1960 years of unprecedented exposure to visual imagery .
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