Example sentences of "on his [noun] [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 I told him to get up and put some clothes on — he 's on his way round to Florrie 's now , to say that Eb 's staying with us .
2 It was just ten minutes to nine , and Richard walked by on his way up to World 's End to catch a bus to the office .
3 Two such visitors had come and gone since her arrival at Roscarrock Hall , one an Irish priest on his way out to Galicia and the other an Oxford scholar on his way to train as a Jesuit in France .
4 Richard Baxter , on his way home to Shropshire from London , also narrowly missed death .
5 The reviews were not entirely dismissive , but Hardy remembered only the harsh comments in the Spectator , read ‘ as he sat on a stile leading to the eweleaze he had to cross on his way home to Bockhampton .
6 On his way home to Brest , sailing north-about round Ireland , Jones confirmed his reputation as a maritime Robin Hood by releasing , with a new sail and money in their pockets , some Irish fishermen he had captured , but his arrival back in port , on 8 May 1778 , proved a disappointment , for the French failed to give him the hero 's welcome he had expected .
7 On his way home to Philibert Place one day , Marco wanders through an alley to waste ground where a hunchbacked boy pushing himself on a makeshift trolley is reading to his ragged companions from a newspaper — about Samavia .
8 His work has taken him by car to all parts of this wide and pictorially exciting area , and I suspect that lie has carried a notebook with him and jotted down impressions of darkening moors and sunset skies on his way home to Long Preston .
9 He went by jeep and on his way back to Brigade H.Q he ran over a German mine and was killed . ’
10 As befitted a man who had sung the pleasures of the ordinary , it occurred on a bus going up Headington Hill , on his way back to Mrs Moore 's house .
11 Picking up the glass ball on his way back to bed , Mungo was still haunted by the episode in the forest .
12 Although the final result may not not be known until mid-morning , computer predictions indicated Mr Major was on his way back to Downing Street with a small majority .
13 They were ordered by Stirling to stay put and wait for him , as he was on his way back to the desert .
14 He tensed himself , ears straining , wondering if the French would pursue him and , when he safely reached the top of the alleyway , breathed a sigh of relief and continued on his way back to the Abbey of Holy Rood .
15 ‘ That he was not drowned but is on his way back to England . ’
16 Before dawn next morning he was on his way back to France .
17 ‘ That Celebrated Seaman ’ , as a sixpenny biography described him , continued to embarrass the British government even after he was on his way back to France .
18 He had achieved total surprise and there was complete silence until the first Bofors opened up when he was out to sea and on his way back to the mainland . ’
19 With some people this might be mere bravado , but when Wordsworth was on his way back to England he seems to have lingered in Paris far longer than was necessary , and possibly considered active participation in practical politics ( Prelude 1805 , x , 129 ff ) .
20 Today he would have liked to remain at Hillmarden for another night , but he had promised Celia he would call in at the clinic on his way back to London , knowing he had a very busy week coming which might make it impossible to see her again until the following weekend .
21 He was on his way back to Newcastle , but when he saw Joe racing across the field that bordered part of the drive , he paused a moment before deciding to follow him .
22 Wednesday striker Nigel Jemson could be on his way back to former club Nottingham Forest .
23 ‘ He 's on his way back to the hotel , ’ Vashinov reported as he put down the phone .
24 This was for centuries a strong point and later a prison ; among its prisoners , during the time of the Revolutionary Wars , was Lord Elgin , he of the marbles , who was held hostage in Lourdes on his way back to England from Turkey .
25 He opened the envelope on his way back to the theatre .
26 On his way back to the West Indies , Mr Mason stopped in Madeira and stayed with Mr Eyre , who mentioned that his niece was going to marry a Mr Rochester . ’
27 On his way back to Coggan 's house , Gabriel met Boldwood .
28 His holiday in England was flying by , Harry thought on his way back to the Alcotts .
29 Vuk 's next project was a Serbian dictionary , and to help him in collecting words to include in it he made a journey to Serbia in 1816 on his way back to Vienna , calling on his old friend the archimandrite Lukian Mušički in the monastery at Šišatovac in the Fruška Gora .
30 On the way they met the sultan 's harem who informed him that Murad II was on his way back to Edirne .
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