Example sentences of "on this [noun sg] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The ultimate logic of this view is the abolition of standing rules : the only question to be answered on this approach concerns the merits of the arguments about illegality .
2 Donald Goodenough , in his scholarly review of the very technical evidence on this issue comparing the recall of dreams by different personality types , comes to the conclusion that while repression may be responsible for the forgetting of some dreams , it is not feasible that it could account for the majority .
3 Our surveys on this issue get the best response from staff at all grades ’ .
4 Other comments on this issue included the following :
5 I do n't imp intend to preach to the converted but what I do intend to say to anyone in this hall that 's either indifferent or complacent or just too idle to do anything than let this motion drift by them , that if we do n't get together on this issue to get the message over to our national officers and in turn the T U C , that if we do n't stand and fight for the right to uphold the basic principles of what I believe to be trade unionism , that is the right to withdraw labour , the right to protect our brothers and sisters from oppressive employers , the right to command decent conditions and fair pay without fair reprisal .
6 The fees charged on this scale represent the full economic cost of tuition for each degree .
7 Heightened legislative activity on this scale gave the Lord Chancellor and his office enhanced standing in Whitehall .
8 A further enzyme , alpha 1,4 fucosyltransferase , can also act on this substrate to produce the Lewis b antigen but acts on a different substrate to produce the Lewis a antigen .
9 On this butterfly fish the eye-spot at the rear of the body becomes the centre of attention , the real eye being obscured by a vertical stripe .
10 And on this decision rests the greatest porter and stout brewery of all time .
11 George Orwell has a fascinating essay on this subject called The Decline of the English Murder , the title also of the paperback collection of essays in which it appears .
12 Other opinions on this subject included the following :
13 Stay on this road to join the metalled road at Low Thoresby Farm , and cross the footbridge on the left .
14 ( For further data on this phenomenon see the papers produced by Drs Philip McNulty and Colin Wood ) .
15 Colby Simpkins is one of the elect , above familial ties or mundane circumstances , like Harry in The Family Reunion and Celia in The Cocktail Party — although Eliot has on this occasion eschewed the Furies or martyrdom as a way of emphasizing Colby 's difference from those who are content with a secular existence .
16 The police managed on this occasion to whisk the two away to a more distant jail .
17 The steering was both ingenious and strong and again Mr. Player was called upon , on this occasion to provide the steering wheel .
18 The World Council Churches on this occasion reviewed the work accomplished during the seven and a half years since the last assembly in Vancouver in Canada .
19 In January also he had to speak at Pusey House in Oxford on " The Lambeth Conference and Education " , but one student 's disappointment at his performance on this occasion suggests the strain and lack of preparedness which were forced on him during this period : " In questions Mr Eliot was most feeble and hesitant , humming and hawing much and throwing back the questions with " Is that not what I said ? " or " Does it not prove my point ? "
20 The tests on this sample confirmed the vet 's opinion that my dog has a metabolic disorder .
21 For further information on this service contact the Occupational Pensions Board on .
22 On this Frederica explored the unvarying hot flat country .
23 The way I have phrased this criterion implies that we should begin by looking for the biochemical and cellular changes and then on this basis seek the neurophysiological ones , and that in some way the neurophysiology is a mere incidental product of the biochemical and structural changes .
24 He said the area had ‘ an extremely unfair image because the majority of people on this estate want the best housing facilities and the best education for the children and that is certainly my view in the year and a half that I 've been at the school ’ .
25 Calculations based on this equation predict the motion of the planets with great accuracy .
26 The court ruled that there was indeed no jurisdiction , and on this ground dismissed the appeal .
27 This Article could aid considerably the plight of upland broadleaved woods discussed in Chapter 9 but much evidence given to the House of Lords Select Committee on this item gave the proposal a very mixed reception .
28 Each of the icons on this slide represents the four key components of that architecture in terms of the software er products .
29 I believe that a Christian 's position on this matter recognises the necessity for state action but goes on to argue that much of education , health and other welfare services could be quite adequately provided through the private sector , with the result that people would be free to exercise greater freedom of choice and also exercise greater responsibility over their lives .
30 We are in close touch with our allies on this matter to see the ways by which assistance can perhaps be given , and contracts can be placed , for valuable work to be done which would occupy such scientists , in addition to the part that they might also play more directly in some of the work involved in the dismantling and disabling programme of that massive nuclear arsenal .
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